Student License Watermark?????

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 15, 2007.

  1. All of a sudden today my prints are telling me a I have a student
    version, I have never installed a student version and my license is
    correct and up to date.
    It only does this when printing a SLDASM, SLDDRW's print fine.
    Any ideas? I am contacting the VAR, but I need other ideas in case
    they just want me to spend time I don't have uninstalling and re-
    installing only to have the problem persist.
    SW2207 SP3.0
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 15, 2007
  2. RaceBikesOrWork

    Guest Guest

    Sheesh - 200 years from now and 200 releases later and they still can't fix
    the damn bugs... ;)

    Guest, Aug 15, 2007
  3. Thanks for the reply, however I am actually using SW2007.
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 15, 2007
  4. RaceBikesOrWork

    John Guest

    If you have inserted any files into your assembly that were created
    using a student or educational version this message will appear. This
    can also occur if you start a new part or assembly using a template
    from a student or educational version. Have you inserted any
    downloaded parts into your assembly? These could be the source of the

    The only way to remove the watermark is to delete the files that were
    created in the student or educational version.

    Hope this helps.
    John, Aug 15, 2007
  5. That makes the problem worse, I was happier thinking there was an
    easier fix.
    Is there a way to check the files easily to find the offender, perhaps
    using PDMworks?
    I am interrogating everyone to find out who knows anything about an
    educational version, then they are getting all the crappy projects!
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 15, 2007
  6. That's not it, the problem just fixed itself out of the blue.
    What fun.
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 15, 2007
  7. Oh no it didn't is just decided it didn't want appear on the print
    preview screen, which was how I was going to track down the offending
    part. I guess I am going to need more paper.
    More fun!
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 15, 2007
  8. Found it, thanks for help.
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 15, 2007
  9. RaceBikesOrWork

    John Guest

    The suggested method to finding the offending part is to use the
    SolidWorks "Task Scheduler", or some other batch printing tool to
    print each part in the assembly. The offending parts will print with
    the watermark.

    How did you ultimately isolate and correct the problem?
    John, Aug 15, 2007
  10. By printing, printing, printing. One of our engineering had a dual
    install of SW at home ages ago with one copy being educational and
    somehow crossed wires or whatever.
    The info on the template causing it was a great help.
    What a pain.
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 15, 2007
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