Stuck on a drawing border question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by montyzoomer, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. montyzoomer

    montyzoomer Guest

    I am trying to change the text in a drawing border but I am having a little trouble.

    I am trying to use and convert code from a text book example that I have.

    For Each elem In ThisDrawing.PaperSpace
    If elem.EntityName = "AcDbBlockReference" Then
    If elem.Name = "Part_Number" Then
    foundAttributes = True
    Array1 = elem.GetAttributes

    I have looked at sample drawing this code works on but I cannot link the name AcDbBlockReference" with anything - can anyone help me out.


    montyzoomer, Jan 12, 2005
  2. montyzoomer

    TomD Guest

    First things first.

    Are you trying to modify the actual text value of an attribute within a

    If so, you need to find the block, first. Once you have that, if I remember
    correctly, you have to go through the two arrays (tag name/value name) and
    find the attribute tag you are trying to change.
    TomD, Jan 12, 2005
  3. montyzoomer

    montyzoomer Guest


    Yes I need to change the text value of the attribute within the block.

    If I look at the sample and list the info of the block, I cannot see the reference name listed in the code yet it seems to be using the reference to find the block.

    I'm confused
    montyzoomer, Jan 12, 2005
  4. montyzoomer

    TomD Guest

    I understand your confusion, believe me. ;)

    Please be aware that I'm not a VBA whiz, and take note of any posts critical
    of anything in the code I post. I can tell you that the snippets I'm
    posting work well, in our company's circumstances. These were written
    specifically for use here and most likely would need some amount of
    modification for your use.

    For finding the title block BLOCK, I use the following (note that this is a
    snippet from a routine that goes to each layout being plotted and retrieves
    information for storage in a database, no modifcation of the values was

    Function GetTitleBlockInfo() As Variant
    Dim sTitle1 As String, sTitle2 As String, sTitle3 As String
    Dim sDwgNum As String
    Dim vRet(3) As Variant
    Dim oLayout As AcadLayout, oLayBlock As AcadBlock
    Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
    Dim oBlkRef As AcadBlockReference
    Set oLayout = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout
    Set oLayBlock = oLayout.Block

    For Each oEnt In oLayBlock
    If oEnt.ObjectName = "AcDbBlockReference" Then
    Set oBlkRef = oEnt
    Select Case oBlkRef.Name
    Case "cectb30x42sd", "cectb24x36sd"
    sTitle1 = GetAttTxtStr("TITLE_LINE_1", oBlkRef)
    sTitle2 = GetAttTxtStr("TITLE_LINE_2", oBlkRef)
    sTitle3 = GetAttTxtStr("TITLE_LINE_3", oBlkRef)
    sDwgNum = GetAttTxtStr("PROJ_NO", oBlkRef) & "-" & _
    GetAttTxtStr("DWG_NO", oBlkRef)
    GoTo ValuesObtained
    Case "30x42 Title", "30-42 Title Block", "24x36 Title Block", _
    "Cec Title Block", "30-42_TITLE"
    sTitle1 = GetAttTxtStr("TITLE_1", oBlkRef)
    sTitle2 = GetAttTxtStr("TITLE_2", oBlkRef)
    sTitle3 = GetAttTxtStr("TITLE_3", oBlkRef)
    sDwgNum = GetAttTxtStr("DWG_NO", oBlkRef)
    GoTo ValuesObtained
    Case Else
    sTitle1 = "": sTitle2 = "": sTitle3 = ""
    sDwgNum = "000000"
    End Select
    End If
    Next oEnt
    Set oBlkRef = Nothing
    Set oLayBlock = Nothing
    Set oLayout = Nothing
    vRet(0) = sTitle1: vRet(1) = sTitle2: vRet(2) = sTitle3
    vRet(3) = sDwgNum
    GetTitleBlockInfo = vRet
    End Function

    The GetAttTxtStr function used in the above code is as follows:

    Function GetAttTxtStr(sTagString As String, oBlkRef As AcadBlockReference)
    As String
    Dim vAttArr As Variant
    Dim iAttCnt As Integer
    Dim sRet As String
    sRet = ""
    If Not oBlkRef.HasAttributes Then GetAttTxtStr = sRet: Exit Function
    vAttArr = oBlkRef.GetAttributes
    For iAttCnt = 0 To UBound(vAttArr)
    If vAttArr(iAttCnt).TagString = sTagString Then
    GetAttTxtStr = vAttArr(iAttCnt).TextString
    Exit Function
    End If
    GetAttTxtStr = sRet
    End Function

    Again, a side note: The GetAttTxtStr could certainly use some tweaks, but
    it works for here, so I didn't take it any further. It DOES have some
    potential problems, though.

    Hope that helps as opposed to hindering your grasp of the topic.
    TomD, Jan 12, 2005
  5. montyzoomer

    Tom Roberts Guest

    Hi Ian

    Rather than looping thru all entities you would be better of creating a
    selection set and filtering for blocks called "Part_Number" in paperspace.
    You can then loop thru the selection set and access the attributes

    Something like this...

    Sub SelectBlocks()
    Dim ss As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim gpCode(1) As Integer
    Dim dataValue(1) As Variant
    Dim groupCode As Variant
    Dim dataCode As Variant
    Dim Blk As AcadBlockReference
    Dim Atts As Variant
    Dim i As Integer

    'filter for blocks where name = "PART_NAME"
    gpCode(0) = 2: dataValue(0) = "PART_NAME"
    'filter for entities in paperspace
    gpCode(1) = 67: dataValue(1) = 1

    'assign filters to variant datatypes
    groupCode = gpCode
    dataCode = dataValue

    'add selectionset to selectionsets collection
    Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS_SelectBlocks")

    'select all entities and apply filter
    ss.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , groupCode, dataCode

    'loop thru selection set
    For Each Blk In ss
    'check if block has attributes
    If Blk.HasAttributes Then
    'assign attributes to variant datatype
    Atts = Blk.GetAttributes
    'loop thru attributes
    For i = 0 To UBound(Atts)
    Debug.Print Atts(i).TagString & ": " & Atts(i).TextString
    Next i
    End If
    Next Blk

    'delete selectionset from selectionsets collection

    End Sub

    Tom Roberts
    MechWest Design & Drafting
    Perth, Western Australia
    Tom Roberts, Jan 13, 2005
  6. montyzoomer

    montyzoomer Guest

    Thanks for that I will work through it to solve my code problem.

    I am very impressed how helpful people are on the forum.

    Thanks again


    montyzoomer, Jan 13, 2005
  7. Actually, if most of the entities reside in model space, then it may be
    faster to iterate just the entities on the layout. And it makes for much
    nicer code to boot.
    Bobby C. Jones, Jan 13, 2005
  8. montyzoomer

    montyzoomer Guest


    Any chance you could drop me a mail, I'd like to send you a border example that needs to be changed for your comments.

    My address is

    montyzoomer, Jan 13, 2005
  9. montyzoomer

    montyzoomer Guest


    Me Again !!!

    You code seems to make sense until I reach Case "cectb30x42sd", "cectb24x36sd"

    What does this represent, I would appreciate it if you could drop me a mail at

    I would like to ask a couple more questions if you don't mind.

    I feel like I am starting to get some where at last


    montyzoomer, Jan 13, 2005
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