Stripping Down Vista?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. Bo

    Bo Guest

    The following summary & its references & comments might be useful to
    those who want to run Vista posted on:

    <quote> Software Tool Strips Windows Vista To Bare Bones
    Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday January 28, @07:23AM

    Preedit writes
    "A free download that can cut Windows Vista's gargantuan footprint by
    half or more is developing a big following on the Internet. vLite is a
    configuration tool that lets users automatically delete a lot of
    unnecessary Vista components -- such as Windows Media Player and MSN
    installer -- to pare the OS down to a reasonable size. The software is
    catching on. An InformationWeek story notes that a forum that asks
    users to suggest new features has drawn nearly 50,000 page views. <end
    Bo, Jan 28, 2008
  2. Bo

    Bo Guest

    If you read the comments in Slashdot, some users also discuss using a
    similar tool to strip down Windows XP. One user noted putting XP on a
    flash device.

    Something to learn every day.

    Bo, Jan 28, 2008
  3. Bo

    zxys Guest

    Yep, I've used it, nLite for XP is typically what is used to run on
    virtual systems. This way, you're running at about native speed,
    definitely worth using.

    I have not tried the vLite.

    zxys, Jan 28, 2008
  4. I have also used nLite, it can easily create 350 megabytes XP
    installation cd. Very nice tool. Propably skipping Vista in every
    way :)

    Markku Lehtola, Jan 29, 2008
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