String manipulation

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by eric.d.fitzsimmons, May 19, 2009.

  1. Hi All,

    What is the best way to remove the quotes from a variable.

    For example

    needs to be


    So far I have been using car, cadr, etc but this won't get me there
    for this.

    Thank you in advance,
    eric.d.fitzsimmons, May 19, 2009
  2. eric.d.fitzsimmons

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Eric,

    car and cadr functions operate on lists. "window:4" is a string.
    You may try stringToSymbol instead.

    Riad KACED, May 19, 2009
  3. eric.d.fitzsimmons

    Guest Guest

    Are you sure the quotes are actually there? For example, if you do:

    X = "window:4"

    The X is a string and the value is "window:4", but the quotes just indicate
    that the value is a string and aren't actually part of the string.

    For example:

    If you set the value of X to a string that includes the quotes, then they'll
    show up as extra quotes in println, but just as you show in printf:

    If the quotes are truly there and you know they are the first and last
    character of the string you can remove them with substring():

    -Pete Zakel

    " hardware progress is so fast. No other technology since
    civilization began has seen six orders of magnitude in performance-price
    gain in 30 years."
    -Fred Brooks, Jr.
    Guest, May 19, 2009
  4. eric.d.fitzsimmons

    Guest Guest

    P.S. If you want a symbol, then use concat, but I don't think that's what you
    really want. I suspect you are asking the wrong question.

    I think you want the windowId (which is what window:4 represents). Converting
    "window:4" to a symbol won't get you that.

    If you want the window ID of window 4, then you do:

    MyWinID will now contain a window ID for window 4, but the value is NOT
    "window:4" -- that's just the print representation of the windowId.

    -Pete Zakel

    "Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm."

    -Publilius Syrus
    Guest, May 19, 2009
  5. Hi all,

    Yes, I am confused I am new to skill ;)

    I am getting the window number on start up of a script with a form,
    but would like to give the ability to change the window number and I
    think I can do that with hiSetCurrentWindow. So, for the form I am
    trying to take the current window number and place it in the form, but
    when I do EFInstanceNetsForm->EFWindowid->value = EFwindow_number I
    get an error....

    *Error* ilGetString: arg must be symbol or string - window:85

    I think I just want the "85" since
    EFInstanceNetsForm->EFWindowid->value = "85"

    I noticed also hiSetCurrentWindow(EFWindowid) works and
    hiSetCurrentWindow(window(85)) works.

    I appreciate very much both posts.

    Thank you for any help in advance,


    ?name 'EFWindowid
    ?prompt "Window Number"
    ?value ""

    EFDualMode = hiCreateRadioField(
    ?name 'EFDualMode
    ?prompt "Sort data by?"
    ?value "None"
    ?defValue "None"
    ?choices list("None" "Instance" "Cellname" "InstTerm" "Net")
    EFInstanceNetsForm->EFSortBy->editable = nil
    EFInstanceNetsForm->EFSortBy->editable = t
    EFInstanceNetsForm->EFSortBy->editable = t
    EFInstanceNetsForm->EFSortBy->editable = t
    EFInstanceNetsForm->EFSortBy->editable = t
    )");end case

    EFSortBy = hiCreateStringField(
    ?name 'EFSortBy
    ?prompt "Instance, Net, Cellname or InstTerm"
    ?editable nil
    ?value ""

    EFSelectOrProbe = hiCreateRadioField(
    ?name 'EFSelectOrProbe
    ?prompt "Probe or Schematic Select"
    ?value "Probe"
    ?defValue "Probe"
    ?choices list("Probe" "Select")

    EFDataSingleClick = hiCreateRadioField(
    ?name 'EFDataSingleClick
    ?prompt "Data type to perform Probe or Select"
    ?value "Net"
    ?defValue "Net"
    ?choices list("Instance" "Cellname" "InstTerm" "Net")

    EFDeselectCurr = hiCreateButtonBoxField(
    ?name 'EFDeselectCurr
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices '("Undo" "Clear" "Auto Sort" "Refresh" "Reverse")
    ?callback '("EFDeselectCurrentCB()" "EFDeselectAllCB()"
    "EFAutoSortCB()" "EFRefreshForm()" "EFReverseList()")

    EFNetsBox = hiCreateListBoxField(
    ?name 'EFListBoxField
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices EFNet_list
    ?value nil
    ?multipleSelect nil
    ?changeCB "EFprobe()"
    ?doubleClickCB "EFprobeandzoom()"
    ?CBOnReselect t
    ?numRows length(EFNet_list)

    ;;; defines the form

    ?name 'EFInstanceNetsForm
    ?formTitle "Instance Viewer. Data Format:Instance.Cellname.Term
    (Pin) - Net Name"
    ?callback "EFSortExecutionCB(hiGetCurrentForm())"
    ?help ""

    ) ; hiCreateAppForm


    eric.d.fitzsimmons, May 21, 2009
  6. eric.d.fitzsimmons

    Guest Guest

    That gives you a window ID, not the window number.

    To get the window number, you can get the windowNum property from the windowID.

    To convert to a string, you can use sprintf:

    EFwindow_number = sprintf( nil "%d" get(hiGetCurrentWindow() 'windowNum))

    Now EFwindow_number will contain the window number as a string.

    To get the number as a number, just use the get function:

    get(hiGetCurrentWindow() 'windowNum)

    A shorter form of this is to use "->":


    which is another way to specify get(). You can use the window number to in
    turn get the window ID:

    -Pete Zakel

    "Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving
    from where you left them to where you can't find them."
    Guest, May 22, 2009
  7. Thank you both for your wonderful help, I was able to accomplish what
    I set out to do.
    eric.d.fitzsimmons, May 27, 2009
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