Stretch on an angle in AutoCAD

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by René Pilat, May 6, 2004.

  1. René Pilat

    René Pilat Guest

    Hi all.

    Here's a problem I can't seem to find a solution to, hoping someone here can
    help. I want to stretch an item I have drawn on an angle using x,y numbers.
    I turn my UCS to the angle i.e. 15 degrees. I then want to stretch my item
    in the x plain 30mm, so I click stretch, pick the objects I want to stretch
    and then feed in amount I want to stretch 30, 0. 30mm in the x plain and 0mm
    in the y plain. What happens then is it does stretch my item 30,0 but it
    does it as if the UCS was still in the typical x plain horizontal to the
    screen plain, yet if I do the same thing with copy or move, it works, but
    stretching doesn't.

    Any ideas anyone??



    René Pilat, May 6, 2004
  2. Two questions:
    What version are you using?
    Have you tried the command line interface instead of the button?
    Michael Bulatovich, May 6, 2004
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