Stretch and Tangency

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jon Schmidt, Jul 19, 2003.

  1. Jon Schmidt

    Jon Schmidt Guest

    Hi all,

    I haven't used ACAD since R12 so I'm unaware of the latest capabilities of
    all the current varieties.

    I am looking for a software to do layout of huge machines like printing
    presses that have many rollers and paths that the paper follows. In the
    design stage I would like to use a 2D software that is efficient for the
    1000s of lines and circles that define the layout.
    I have tried using the sketchers of several 3D modeling software but find
    that these sketchers don't like so many lines in one sketch and I find that
    multiple sketches are rather inconvenient. An additional problem with most
    sketchers is the inability to color code the lines.
    My question is, what is a good software for this 2D layout phase. The ideal
    2D software would allow me to move an arc and some tangent connected lines
    and hold the tangency. Does anyone know of a software that can do this kind
    of a "tangent maintained stretch" without the problems of typical sketchers?

    Any suggestions appreciated


    Jon Schmidt, Jul 19, 2003
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