Stretch a rectangle and maintain the area

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gordon Price, Jul 14, 2003.

  1. Gordon Price

    Gordon Price Guest

    I have a request for a tool that allows you to draw a rectangle, set the
    area, then stretch or grip edit in one direction, and have the object shrink
    in the other to maintain the area. What would truely be nice is the ability
    to grip edit an edge, rather than an endpoint. We have ADT3.3 (4 to go
    online soon) but are using it as RAW AutoCAD for now. Is there anything in
    ADT that would help, or some code available as freeware/shareware? I could
    do a tool that lets you stretch in one direction and updates the other, but
    if there is something in the can already, especially something more robust
    that what I could whip out, I would rather use it.

    Gordon Price, Jul 14, 2003
  2. Gordon Price

    C Witt Guest

    the best analogy for this would be.. think of a ballon.. if you
    flatten one side (direction) || .. the ballon will expand in the other
    direction - - thus maintaining the overall volume (size).. follow?
    C Witt, Jul 15, 2003
  3. Gordon Price

    Doug Broad Guest

    When placing (adding) spaces, you can lock one of the constraints
    Width, Height, or Area. Unfortunately, the space modify command
    does not allow the same level of control. But since it is relatively
    easy to add spaces, it could be a close substitute to what Gordon
    wants(without programming).

    It would also be possible to implement with reactors, though it
    probably wouldn't be that easy to do.

    Doug Broad, Jul 15, 2003
  4. Gordon Price

    Ed Jobe Guest

    I understand that. I was focusing on his request to "grip edit an edge".
    Under those circumstances, you can only move it, not change its length.
    Therefore, the operation resembles a Move. But now I realize he wanted more
    than that.
    Ed Jobe, Jul 15, 2003
  5. Gordon Price

    CAB Guest


    Here is my first attempt at you request.
    You may select a rectangle, it must be a closed LWpline.
    The old rectangle is left untouched but could be deleted.
    At this time the lower left corner of the rectangle is the anchor point
    CAB, Feb 4, 2005
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