stretch a block

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by TL, Feb 4, 2004.

  1. TL

    TL Guest

    I have a block that's basically shaped like a T and when I bring it in I
    insert it at the intersection of the two lines, but I'd like to be able to
    stretch the long end to a specific point without scaling the whole object.
    Any ideas? Thanks.
    TL, Feb 4, 2004
  2. If you set the T to unit dimensions (the top one unit wide, and the leg one
    unit long) and the inesrtion point to the intersection of the lines, you can
    use the Properties dialog to change (stretch) the Y scale to the length
    desired. Of course if the block has other dimensions relative to the Y
    axis, it will get distorted.. Then you might need to look into
    BlockExtender as Jason mentioned.
    Allen Johnson, Feb 4, 2004
  3. TL

    Devin Guest

    I have to agree with Jason, you could try the block extender or you would
    probably need to create a routine that draws it based on user input. The
    unit scale method that Allen speaks of is great if you don't care about it
    stretching the block along an x or y direction, but it can deform parts of
    the block that you don't want deformed. If it's a structural T then it will
    stretch the metal thickness to a larger size. I think you could get the
    block extender as a demo and try it out!


    Devin, Feb 4, 2004
  4. TL

    Guest Guest

    try this:

    wblock out the block into a file called temp, you can do this any way you
    then use something like the insert the temp block as a new
    name this particular one is derived from the current time.
    (u can rename the block later if u like.)
    then after you haveinserted the block use (command"refedit") and edit the
    block any way you like.

    This allows you to keep it as a block but also to make variations from the
    original block or objects.

    You could alos skip the temp block create and directly call up the T block
    if you like...using something like this..
    (command "insert" (strcat(rtos(getvar"cdate"))"=t") pause "1" "" "") then
    (command "refedit")
    (command "insert" (strcat(rtos(getvar"cdate"))"=temp") pause "1" "" "")
    then (command "refedit")

    the temp block name makes it more generic so you canuse it on any block..

    (might need abit of tinkering)
    Guest, Feb 6, 2004
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