I have this lsp that I have written to set dimstyl ltscale etc from a picked piece of text. I am getting an error when i run it saying Error: bad argument type: stringp 25 I know it is to do with the two lines at the bottom (setq dst (strcat ds1 "-DIM")) (command "-dimstyle" "R" dst) the variable dst should be a string thus: 25-DIM or 50-DIM etc. Help (defun c:setsc (/ d h ds1 dst ds1) (setq e (entsel " Select Text: ") d (entget (car e)) h (cdr (assoc 40 d)) ) (if (= h 2.5) (setq ds1 1)) (if (= h 5) (setq ds1 2)) (if (= h 12.5) (setq ds1 5)) (if (= h 25) (setq ds1 10)) (if (= h 50) (setq ds1 20)) (if (= h 62.5) (setq ds1 25)) (if (= h 125) (setq ds1 50)) (if (= h 250) (setq ds1 100)) (if (= h 500) (setq ds1 200)) (setvar "ltscale" ds1) (setvar "dimscale" ds1) (setq dst (strcat ds1 "-DIM")) (command "-dimstyle" "R" dst) ) spencer