Strange things happening with IC5.033

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by svilen, Jul 27, 2005.

  1. svilen

    svilen Guest


    It's really strange what I experience. I have Cadence 5.033 installed
    under RH 8.0 in my office.
    It already happened several times that if I try to start it one day,
    icfb hangs or rather, waits for something to happen. It eventually
    loads after several minutes, but then the same thing happens if I try
    to open Library manager for example. Even closing the damn thing takes
    long time. It is completely unusable. Then I leave it for a day. The
    next day I go into Linux again, start icfb and every thing works
    pefectly. This already happened several times. Yesterday too. And today
    it works fine. I suspect that something might be happening with my LAN.
    I have my laptop and my desktop connected in a network through a
    Linksys router. I checked what is in the Linksys setup yesterday and it
    seemed that for some strange reason the router was associating the
    physical address of my desktop NIC to the IP address of the laptop NIC
    and vice versa. Today when I checked the same, it was as it should be.
    So, it seems logical to me that when I start cadence on a wrong day it
    tries to access the license on the wrong machine. I don't understand
    how this could happen.
    Anyone has any idea how I can fix it? Or an explanation why one day it
    is bad and the next it is ok? Thnx.
    svilen, Jul 27, 2005
  2. svilen

    hpg Guest

    It already happened several times that if I try to start it one day,
    My office experienced something similar. The problems disappeared when
    we replaecd the router (Netgear) with a dumb ethernet "switch." In
    your case, you should be able to configure your router to make sure it's
    using a totally different LAN subnet.

    I have been told that if you use just the LAN-ports of the router (and
    leave the WAN-port unplugged), the router is *supposed* to be smart enough
    to auto-disable the NAT/router functionality. In our experience, this
    just wasn't true.
    hpg, Jul 27, 2005
  3. svilen

    JB Guest

    This can happen for a variety of reasons with icfb:
    1) your network is broken so "getHostByBame" fails - and this hangs the
    machine as it is trying to find out its name from a DNS server. Sorting
    network problems should fix this - try pinging your DNS server to see
    if the network to it is ok
    2) you LM_LICENSE_FILE mentions a remote license server which is
    uncontactable eg because the network is screwed or that machine no
    longer exists or has changed name etc
    3) you library has lock files in it referring to a machine and/or user
    that can't be found on the network, so when it tries to contact the
    original owner to get a lock it fails and hangs

    steps to take:
    a) check your DNS server is visible
    b) check your $LM_LICENSE_FILE and any hosts mentioned in it
    c) check all libraries mentioned in you cdslib file and see if they
    have any dead lock files (maybe you tar'd up someone else's library
    while their session was still live and copied it to another machine)


    JB, Jul 27, 2005
  4. Network anomalies, as others have suggested.

    I'm not at work right now (and a direct lightning hit to my house
    yesterday took out most of the electronics... <sigh>), so I'm recalling
    some of these paths from memory... you may need to adjust this a bit.

    First, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include

    Then invoke icfb.exe directly through strace:

    strace -f -o /tmp/icfb.log -t <cdsroot>/tools/dfII/32bit/icfb.exe

    The flags mean:
    -f follow fork() calls (process creation)
    -o ... writes the output to /tmp/icfb.log
    -t puts a timestamp at each system call.

    Then look for a gap in the timestamps and that will show you the
    offending system call... which ideally will be some sort of networking
    operation involving a hostname or somesuch which doesn't exist.

    In my experience, these kinds of hangs are almost always FlexLM-related
    (which is very sensitive to networking issues).

    David Cuthbert, Jul 28, 2005
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