strange sketch behavior

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bill allemann, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. I'm using sw2006sp5.x on one machine, and since the prior usage a couple
    days back, it suddenly refuses to do an extrude. No matter what the sketch
    contains, instead of the preview of the extrusion while it waits for input
    of the extrude amount, a msg is displayed "This operation requires a fully
    defined sketch". An old sldprt loads and looks OK, but extruding any
    sketch in a new sldprt is disabled.
    I imported an old copy of the settings and it fixed the problem, so I'm
    thinking something in the registry corrupted since the last time swx was
    Any idea if a legitimate system option could cause this, or would it more
    likely be a mystery corruption thing?

    bill allemann, Nov 21, 2008
  2. I've seen this when fully defined sketches is checked in the options and I
    accidently have a small line or sketch entity drawn by mistake. Select
    areas using a window which will not select your good sketch, but will select
    areas where small entities could hide. If endpoints are selected and
    deleted, the extrusion then previews and works fine.


    PS Ever tried my mirrored assembly trick?
    Keith Streich, Nov 21, 2008
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