Strange lisp error in 2005. Fine in 2000.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by devon, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. devon

    devon Guest


    The following lisp worked fine in 2000, but not in 2005 I get this error... error: bad argument type: numberp: nil.

    This lisp, you pick points over a curve and the lisp inserts a box with the gradient, radius etc filled out.

    (defun dtr (a)
    (* pi (/ a 180.0));................
    );end defun

    (defun rtd (a)
    (* (/ a pi) 180.0);...............
    );end defun

    (defun C:CU ()

    (setq CURVE (nentsel "\nSelect CURVE :.."))

    (setq EN1 (car CURVE))
    (setq EN2 (entget EN1))
    (setq RAD (cdr (assoc 40 EN2)))
    (setq STANGDEG (cdr (assoc 50 EN2)))
    (setq ENANGDEG (cdr (assoc 51 EN2)))


    (setq TANLENGTH (* RAD (/ (sin (/ DEFANGRAD 2)) (cos (/ DEFANGRAD 2)))))

    ; (textpage)
    ; (prompt "\n ......................................................")
    ; (prompt "\n C U R V E I N F O R M A T I O N ")
    ; (prompt "\n ......................................................")

    ; (prompt (strcat "\n. Deflection Angle = " (angtos DEFANGRAD 1 3)))
    ; (prompt (strcat "\n. Radius = "(rtos RAD 2 3)))
    ; (prompt (strcat "\n. Arc Length = "(rtos ARCLENGTH 2 3)))
    ; (prompt (strcat "\n. Tan Length = "(rtos TANLENGTH 2 3)))
    ; (princ)
    ; (prompt "\n ......................................................")
    ; (prompt "\n P L E A S E C O N T I N U E ")
    ; (prompt "\n ......................................................")
    ; (princ)
    (SETVAR "attdia" 0)
    (command "insert" (strcat pathciv "r2") pause "2" "" "" (angtos DEFANGRAD 1 3)
    (rtos RAD 2 3)
    (rtos ARCLENGTH 2 3)
    (rtos TANLENGTH 2 3))
    (SETVAR "attdia" 1)


    Any idea?

    devon, Jul 15, 2004
  2. Finding the cause of the error starts with either running
    the code in the VLIDE or using an *error* function that
    calls (vl-bt) to show the exact expression that failed.

    You haven't taken that first step. Are you expecting
    someone to do it for you?

    (defun *error* (s)

    It will show you what expression threw the error.

    error... error: bad argument type: numberp: nil.
    the gradient, radius etc filled out.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jul 15, 2004
  3. devon

    ECCAD Guest

    Try a (command "-insert"..

    ECCAD, Jul 15, 2004
  4. devon

    devon Guest


    thanks Tony for the reply.

    Here is the error list, I am having problems trying to figure out what this means thou...

    Command: cu
    Select CURVE :..Backtrace:
    [0.50] (VL-BT)
    [1.46] (*ERROR* "bad argument type: numberp: nil") LAP+7
    [2.40] (_call-err-hook #<USUBR @09ad7a8c *ERROR*> "bad argument type: numberp:
    [3.34] (sys-error "bad argument type: numberp: nil")
    :ERROR-BREAK.29 "bad argument type: numberp: nil"
    [4.26] (- nil 0.0)
    [5.20] (C:CU) LAP+152
    [6.15] (#<SUBR @09adb76c -rts_top->)
    [7.12] (#<SUBR @095c2334 veval-str-body> "(C:CU)" T #<FILE internal>)
    :ARQ-SUBR-CALLBACK.3 (nil 0)

    Would you mind running a newbe through this please?
    devon, Jul 16, 2004
  5. devon

    ECCAD Guest

    In the following:
    [3.34] (sys-error "bad argument type: numberp: nil")
    :ERROR-BREAK.29 "bad argument type: numberp: nil"
    [4.26] (- nil 0.0)
    [5.20] (C:CU) LAP+152
    Read from bottom up: It's telling you within 'function' (C:CU), in one of the operations: (can't determine which)..
    the variable 'ENANGDEG' is 'nil' --> [4.26] (- nil 0.0)

    Possible that the entity 'EN2' does not have a (assoc 51) code ?

    ECCAD, Jul 16, 2004
  6. devon

    tsparks Guest

    little harsh, don't you think?
    tsparks, Jul 16, 2004
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