Strange effect in second attempt to edit sketch in assembly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Anton Nanchev, Nov 26, 2004.

  1. Problem is reproduced in following steps:
    1.Open/create any assembly (even with 5-6 parts).
    2.Open a part from the assembly in separate window.Don't close the
    assembly window.
    3.Edit/create sketch.All sketch functions work normally.Save and close
    the part window.
    4.From assembly window open again the same part in separate window.
    5.Edit the sketch from step 3 or create new.
    6.Try to create any sketch entity.The troubles appear immediately: no
    preview, incorrect visualization, jump in CPU usage

    That effect exists on all our PCs (4) with different operating
    systems, different display adapters and different versions of the
    display driver(either SolidWorks certified or not).
    Is this a bug, or???

    Anton Nanchev
    Anton Nanchev, Nov 26, 2004
  2. Same Prob on my system... think its a bug...I have tried different settings
    and still the same effect...Really ties up my system. I end up closing the
    assembly and then do mods then reopen assy.
    Keith Harding, Nov 26, 2004
  3. It's a bug. I submitted it a few weeks ago. SW is aware.

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Nov 26, 2004
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