Stop users saving in c:\ or c drive

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by devon, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. devon

    devon Guest


    What would be the simplest way with lisp to prompt a user when they try to save to the c:\ on their local machine?

    I was thinking of a dcl that prompts the user to save to server.

    But I can't figure out a way to jump 'over' the save dialogue once they choose the c: as the destination.

    devon, Jun 30, 2004
  2. You would need to undefine the SAVE command and then write your own save

    (command "UNDEFINE" "SAVE")
    (defun C:SAVE ()
    ;run dcl without C: as an option

    save to the c:\ on their local machine?
    choose the c: as the destination.
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Jun 30, 2004
  3. devon

    devon Guest


    Thanks for the reply, I was aware that I had to undefine the command. but was looking for some more help with the next step.

    devon, Jul 2, 2004
  4. To create a program that mimics the windows folder environment would be
    quite difficult using DCL.
    One "unelegant" method would be to use DOSLIB dos_getdir function and check
    if C: is selected and then not allow user out of get directory until a drive
    other than C: is selected.

    (defun C:NEWSAVE ()
    (setq DRIVE "C:")
    (while (= DRIVE "C:")
    (setq FOLDER (dos_getdir "Choose Save Folder (C: is NOT allowed)"))
    (setq DRIVE (strcase (substr FOLDER 1 2)))
    (setq FN (strcat FOLDER (getvar "DWGNAME")))
    (if (findfile FN)
    (command "SAVE" FN "Y")
    (command "SAVE" FN)

    Please note that this does NOT prevent the user from closing AutoCAD and
    saving at that time!!
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Jul 2, 2004
  5. devon

    devon Guest

    thanks for the help.

    Much appreciated.

    devon, Jul 5, 2004
  6. devon

    BTO Guest


    learned from here

    (vlr-dwg-Reactor nil '(:)vlr-saveComplete . saveDrawingInfo )))
    (defun saveDrawingInfo (reactor info )(setq path_dessin (cadr info)) (if (=
    (substr path_dessin 1 1) "C") (alert "message......")))

    copy & past each line to command line and do a save.

    Bruno Toniutti
    (sorry for my english level)
    BTO, Jul 6, 2004
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