Stop feeding the trolls!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by That70sTick, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. That70sTick

    That70sTick Guest

    Just stop. Just don't talk to them, about them, for them. Don't stir
    the cesspool. Don't poke the rotting pig carcass.

    p.s. if you want real help go to
    That70sTick, Sep 6, 2007
  2. That70sTick

    jon_banquer Guest

    Sounds like a desperate attempt to try and boost posting to eng-tips
    to me.

    Here's a clue... it's way over moderated.
    jon_banquer, Sep 6, 2007
  3. That70sTick

    FlowerPot Guest

    You just mean they won't let your sorry ass in. All you want to do is go
    in and call names and display your tourettes syndrome and make stupid
    accusations which aren't true or even close. You can do that here, why
    do you want to shit on someone elses love fest?

    Don't you remember the part of your Novedge interview where you said
    who > are experienced enough with CAD/CAM to understand why users have a
    So its all about anger? What are you angry about? Small pecker? Can't
    understand advanced math like addition? The words get all jumbled up
    when trying to read your GED application?

    And then of course as soon as you post something stupid (which means
    immediately) your following of old.machines.crap assholes come in and
    spill beer and cheetos on everything and pretend like they invented God.
    reminds me of John Goodman in Raising Arizona, busting out of the joint
    through a sewer main.

    And whos the asshole who thinks that just because its usenet means that
    you have to act like you were born in a barn in some 3rd world hell
    hole? Can't usenet just be useful rather than a place to hurl lame
    insults? Certainly you can say what you think without being a dick? Or
    maybe you can't. Adults don't need moderation, only adolescent punks and
    crusty old curmudgeons. Can't all you ignorant knuckledraggers stop
    insulting one another? (hehe, couldn't resist... this is addictive.)

    FlowerPot, Sep 6, 2007
  4. That70sTick

    jon_banquer Guest

    Does anyone beside ignorant idiots like Tom Brewer, Joe788, Cliffy,
    PV, etc. think you even have one once of credibility left?

    No doubt Tom Brewer will continue to quote you even though you have no
    real clue on machining or on how to really use SolidWorks.
    jon_banquer, Sep 6, 2007
  5. That70sTick

    Joe788 Guest


    Jon Banquer talking about credibility!!

    Get thrown out of any Solidworks get-togethers lately?
    Joe788, Sep 6, 2007
  6. That70sTick

    brewertr Guest

    He is posting in the SolidWorks group JON, are you confusing CAD with
    CAM again?
    You don't know how to "really" use SolidWorks JON. You are only just
    now attempting to learn SolidWorks after falsely posing as an expert
    all these years.

    All you have been doing lately Jon is parroting what you read or saw
    on your video tutorials without understanding any of it.

    brewertr, Sep 6, 2007
  7. That70sTick

    FlowerPot Guest

    Does ranting online make you horny?

    Does claiming usenet is not part of the internet make you feel superior?

    Usenet died with telnet bbs, along with the bad old days. Get over it,
    retro slug.

    FlowerPot, Sep 6, 2007
  8. That70sTick

    Michael Guest

    *so, duhhhhh, Don't BE A TROLL!*


    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Sep 6, 2007
  9. That70sTick

    Michael Guest

    Welcome to my kill file dumb ass!


    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Sep 6, 2007
  10. That70sTick

    vinny Guest

    lol, you couldnt killfile me if you tried, you'd have to killfile everyone,
    because I "reply".
    Best just to try to ignore me.

    Now don't be replying back, Im killfiled.
    vinny, Sep 6, 2007
  11. That70sTick

    jon_banquer Guest

    "lol, you couldnt killfile me if you tried, you'd have to killfile
    everyone, because I "reply".
    Best just to try to ignore me.

    Now don't be replying back, Im killfiled."

    Michael's just jealous because you know SolidWorks and he refuses to
    learn parametrics. After all these years I would hope Michael have
    finally got a grasp on understanding 2D parametrics but seriously
    doubt he's got a handle on 3D sketch parametrics which are a lot
    harder.... I'm still not where I need to be.

    I could use more advanced 3D sketch tutorials... anyone have some

    I've got a good intro tutorial for 3D sketching if you need the link
    or I could just send it to you.

    At one point or another everyone ends up in Michael's kill file and
    then a short time later you get the "honor" of being let out.

    jon_banquer, Sep 7, 2007
  12. That70sTick

    vinny Guest

    Not sure what your looking for? This one is a knot. Friggen cool to look
    at, but its not any more advanced than the oven rack.
    But it looks cool none the less. Tutorials/SolidWorks Tutorial 7.pdf
    vinny, Sep 7, 2007
  13. That70sTick

    jon_banquer Guest

    Check out how the rectangle is used in this tutorial on 3D sketching.
    This is the best I've found so far for 3D sketching. The
    SolidProfessor stuff sucks on 3D sketching.

    Pages 40-46
    jon_banquer, Sep 7, 2007
  14. That70sTick

    FlowerPot Guest

    This is pretty basic stuff, jon. Still, 3D sketches are pretty bad. I'd
    only do that under duress.

    Can you think of another way to do this that is far easier to set up?
    especially for a 2.5 axis guy such as yourself?

    Answer in next week's episode.

    FlowerPot, Sep 7, 2007
  15. That70sTick

    Cliff Guest

    Would have been better (and funnier I suspect) before
    your spelling checker (which may actually have a GED) got
    done with it.

    Free clue of the day: "ounce".
    HTH (but I doubt it.)
    Cliff, Sep 7, 2007
  16. That70sTick

    Cliff Guest

    Ask him how his slip-cast clay in silicone rubber molds is
    drying <VBG>. Or what "linear" means. Or why he only buys
    US products (which he dropped to buy from S. Korea IIRC
    due to rumors of the name of one of the parties involved ..
    sounded foreign [IOW NOT like Bubba or Falwell] to him IIRC).

    Cliff, Sep 7, 2007
  17. That70sTick

    Cliff Guest

    Michael had just sent jb an old copy of DOS BobCAD .....
    Help with 2D triangles (draw & dimension them):
    Now you know that I like and use lowly BobCAD DOS on the shop floor
    when I need to find the points for a lathe toolpath.
    ] - jon banquer on Jan 28 2003

    IIRC This was before his "I've never used a lathe." post.
    Cliff, Sep 7, 2007
  18. That70sTick

    Cliff Guest

    SolidProfessor videos just smoke your book. From what I've seen of the free
    myigetit videos they do as well.
    ] - jon banquer on Jul 14 2007

    It is properly covered in the SolidProfessor videos and I bet it's properly
    covered in the myigetit course but I have not subscribe to it as of yet...
    ] - jon banquer on Jul 15 2007

    I will be starting the Solidworks
    course in the next week or so. It's only $25 and they claim it's as good or
    better than $600 I spent on the SolidProfessor Professional video course.
    ] - jon banquer on 19 Jul 2007

    Today is 07 Sept 2007
    Cliff, Sep 7, 2007
  19. That70sTick

    brewertr Guest

    Say Jon, asked you this direct question a few times now and you
    haven't answered yet.

    Exactly how much does the $25 myigetit SolidWorks course you tout
    brewertr, Sep 7, 2007
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