STL files and SW

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Arthur Y-S, Nov 10, 2003.

  1. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Yeah they look pretty, but the hell can i do with it other than have it sit
    there in the program. cant offset, knit, or extrude up to it. I mean what is
    the sense of having it if all i can do is look at it. Granted there are
    times when i do just need to look at the models. But it is not enough. I
    have tried adjusting the import settings. no lucky. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Arthur Y-S, Nov 10, 2003
  2. Try having an RP model made out of it.

    Richard Doyle, Nov 10, 2003
  3. Arthur Y-S

    Todd Guest

    STL files are intended primarily for rapid prototype machines.

    There are many other, MUCH better file formats to use than STL if you are
    loooking to design.

    Todd, Nov 10, 2003
  4. Arthur Y-S

    Arlin Guest

    Yeah, STL is not very useful for CAD apps. They are mainly read by
    Rapid Prototype machines. An STL file is simply a faceted surface
    representation made up of LOTS of small triangle surfaces joined
    together. The size of these triangles depends on the exporting software
    and how smooth the desired output needs to be.

    Because an STL file is just a bunch of triangles, it is difficult to do
    any sort of analytical stuff with them. I think there are some programs
    (Rhino maybe) that can read an STL file and convert the faceted surfaces
    into nurbs surfaces.
    Arlin, Nov 10, 2003
  5. Bingo! STL is nothing more than a representation that allows RP software to
    "slice it up" for transmitting to the RP machines. There are programs out
    there that can section, repair, patch, and otherwise manipulate STL files
    but they are again primarily used to "tweek" models for RP use.

    SolidWorks added the ability to open STL files because users wanted it.
    There a about a bizzilion free STL files out there and often times no way to
    see what you're getting. To expect SolidWorks to now provide tools to
    manipulte these files is asking a bit much.

    Richard Doyle, Nov 10, 2003
  6. Everyone sounds like they are not aware of the solid STL import option. By
    default SW is set to open STLs in graphic "view" mode. However when you hit
    File --Open & select STL as the filetype -- then you can then hit the
    Options button & change the STL import to Solid body or Surface body versus
    the graphic body. & bingo! was his name O...

    However this will not work if the STL is of a point cloud data -- only
    graphic option works.

    just FYI

    Steve Tietz \(renderman\), Nov 10, 2003
  7. Did you know that ShapeWorks can view and work with STL files right inside

    Baren-Boym Company, Nov 10, 2003
  8. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    OK, my point about all of this is...yes STL are for RP machines. I have two
    Zcorps machine. Now every now and then we get a model that was done in
    something other than SW. There are certain tolreance issues when it comes to
    our RP machine. Now if I cant measure these files to see what kind of
    dimensions that I am looking at, what good does it do me to just "look at

    So this leavs you with the follwing work arounds...
    1) Either 3rd party add-ons, another "file" data translator program to buy
    and load and use and figure out the proper settings to get from one program
    to the next with out losing too much in the process.
    2) Get it as another format and translate it into the STL later.

    Maybe I am just asking for too much. It would just be nice to have all of
    these software companies get off that high horse of "this my software" and i
    am not willing to share my data code. Not asking them to open up everything.
    Maybe someone truly needs to come up with a 100% neutral format (ie IGES)
    that can really take what you have in one program and bring it to another
    with out having it be "dumb" or some visual reference that I am just looking

    And yeah Mike, I knew about your STL importer. I was actualy trying to get
    the department to purchase it, but no luck. I guess you were a bit peeeved
    when you saw that. I do stilll like the NURBS based surface add-in that you
    have. Questions it what will you do when SW adds it into their program
    Arthur Y-S, Nov 10, 2003
  9. Arthur Y-S

    Krister L Guest

    I had a consultant making an animation on one of our machines, and he wanted
    to have STL-files. Took them into Studio Max and made quite a nice animation
    out of it.

    Krister L
    Krister L, Nov 10, 2003
  10. Arthur,

    I can imagine the problem is related to size because the STL, from what
    I remember, is unit less and the importing system chooses a unit? So,
    you can get a large or a small part depending on the units the user
    originally used.

    As was mentioned, SW2003 and above have the ability to read in STL files
    as graphical, solid and surfaces with the option for units. So, you
    should be able to read/measure something in?

    Otherwise, there are other tools, free and purchased, which have the
    ability of converting mesh formats likes LWO, 3DS, OBJ,.. into STL's.

    Paul Salvador, Nov 10, 2003
  11. Arthur Y-S

    Deri Jones Guest

    I used a free model I got off a magazine CD to put together a E-drawing for
    a client - they wanted to be able to do cross sections through a car to show
    various points of interest. Imported the OBJ file in to Rhino and then took
    that as seperate elements in to parts in Solidworks (import STL as
    surface) - as long as it is rendered, it looks the business, but not much
    use for detailed work - the STL tesellation is obvious. I couldn't get a
    section in to a drawing - SW seems to do the section, saves the view, but
    when you go back to it, you have the full model - any ideas? Would it
    possibly be due to the fact that there are no solids in the model? - try Jeep Cherokee.

    I also rendered off a fly around animation of it in Rhino - fast and dirty,
    but gives the customer exactly what they want.

    Deri Jones, Nov 11, 2003
  12. I've never gotten sections to work on surfaces. You could trim the surfaces
    to get the "section" that you want.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 11, 2003
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