STL File Conversion

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron Bacs, Jr., Dec 6, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    I was given an STL file of a part and would like to sketch a similar part;
    improve it, add draft, make it injection "friendly" etc.

    Problem(s) (I am sure there are more that everyone else here knows about!):
    The part is not near the origin, and I cannot sketch off any surface, I.E.
    create a plane on or near the part, and I need to measure the part to get it
    close, but because it has no features I cannot measure...

    What is the best way to go about getting this (ghostly) part into SW 2005

    Certainly some data is there, SW & OpenGL draws it! I have never had this
    particular problem and just cannot figure this one out!

    Thank you,

    Aron Bacs, Jr., Dec 6, 2005
  2. DDDAAAA...

    I think I answered my own question, maybe...

    In the open dialog the options settings allow you to convert the part to
    surfaces or a solid body.

    I may be able to get close enough from there,

    Aron Bacs, Jr., Dec 6, 2005
  3. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    I hate to spoil your victory feeling, but....
    Those options works usually only on very simple STL files with low polygon
    In large or complicated files solidworks hangs out for a long time and after
    15 minutes the surfaces shows up with errors/warnings.
    Gil Alsberg, Dec 7, 2005
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