Stimulus file

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by ese!, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. ese!

    ese! Guest

    Hi all!
    i would like to add the stimuli as file (defining it in the setup
    window in the ADE)
    and the input is a bus of sources.
    I have something as:
    _vb0 (b<0> 0) vsource wave=\[0 0 500.0n 0 500.3n 1.8 ] dc=0
    _vb1 (b<1> 0) vsource wave=\[0 0 502.0n 0 502.3n 1.8 ] dc=0

    Unfortunately it gives problem with the <>, i have tried with
    (in that case it simulates but it does not recognize these nodes as
    corresponding to b<1:0>) and with some backslash, but i am not able
    to find a working solution.

    Do you have some experience on it?

    thanks in advance

    ese!, Jan 14, 2010
  2. ese! wrote, on 01/14/10 16:32:

    _vb0 ([#b<0>] 0) vsource ...

    A stimulus file gets preprocessed by the OSS system, and this will substitute
    schematic names surrounded by [#...] to the corresponding netlist name. It might
    need a "/" before the b (I can't remember off the top of my head) to tell it
    that it is rooted from the top level design, but I think you can omit the
    leading slash. If it's a hierarchical net, something like:

    _vb0 ([#/I1/I2/net3] ...

    would work.

    The idea is that you then don't need to worry about how it got translated during


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 15, 2010
  3. ese!

    ese! Guest

    Thanks a lot!

    _vb0 ([#b<0>] 0) vsource ...

    is correct.

    ese!, Jan 18, 2010
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