Still Need Help Manipulating Display/ Viewport

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by half_excellent_animator, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. i'm sorry to be overly persistent but with the Google Groups software
    the only way to "bump" a thread is to re-post it.

    someone noted that you can highlight a vertex and the viewport should
    rotate around that, but it's not. below i have posted the original

    I'm using Solidworks 2005.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    i am writing to ask for help in controlling the viewport/

    i have a complex assembly. when i go to rotate the
    viewport, it rotates about i'm not sure which point,
    but it rotates the assembly of interest, out of the viewport.

    so i have to zoom all (zoom extents, i think it's called
    in Autocad), rotate the part, zoom back in ... it takes
    a lot more time to do it that way.

    in 3D Max, there's a mode where the viewport center
    is rotated about Selected Parts. that is, the viewport/ display is
    rotated about the approximate center of whichever parts are in the
    selection set when you go to manipulate the viewport.

    how do you get the viewport to rotate about selected
    parts in Solidworks 2005 ?

    TIA for any assistance !
    half_excellent_animator, Dec 11, 2007
  2. half_excellent_animator

    AdamB Guest

    i always rotate the viewport using by holding down the middle mouse
    button (scroll wheel button) and moving the mouse (or trackball in my
    case). anyway, when you do that, whatever the cursor is on when you
    press the middle mouse button is what the view will rotate around.
    When you select with the middle mouse button, the face/edge/vertex
    will be outlined in magenta. Once you start to rotate, the cursor will
    change to a line with two arrows rotating around it, to indicate that
    you're rotating about something. For non point objects such as edges
    and faces, a small magenta crosshair will appear at the point you
    click to show where you are rotating about.
    I don't know if there is anyway you can just select a component in the
    feature tree and rotate about that. Also, spaceballs change the
    rotation behaviour slightly too, which is something to be aware of if
    you use one.
    All of this is in SW2007, but i'm pretty sure most of what i said has
    been that way for a while now. details like highlight colors may vary,
    but hopefully this helps anyway

    AdamB, Dec 12, 2007
  3. half_excellent_animator

    TOP Guest

    Here is the scoop. This functionality has been around for ages. Here
    is how it works.

    1. Pick the rotate tool from the toolbar.
    2. Hover over a vertex.
    3. Left click the highlighted vertex.

    You will now be rotating about that vertex during the life of the
    rotate command.

    Similar action can be had by selecting an edge only the edge will act
    like an axle.

    TOP, Dec 12, 2007
  4. thanks for the replies.

    highlighting the part works in the part editing mode.
    i deleted an un-used sketch, and that changed the
    viewport rotate centroid to the solid/ body itself,
    which is good. Partial Success !

    But ==> when i'm in assembly editing mode, the
    viewport still rotates around some point about 2
    assembly lengths from the assembly.
    half_excellent_animator, Dec 12, 2007
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