Still can't plot grey scale on HP1050 & HP 5000 (updated)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mike, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    I'm running 2000 on an XP Pro SP2 system plotting to a HP 1050 (still using
    factory settings) and occasionally when I plot the drawing will show in the
    preview that the appropriate lines will be screened. However when it is sent
    to the plotter all lines plot in solid black. Now when I try the sameting on
    another computer using ACAD '02 it plots fine. I have tried installing the
    updates for 2000 also. But no luck in fixing it. I'd appreciate any feedback
    on this.



    I tried plotting on an HP Laserject 5000 also and I can get the preview to
    show the drawing as being screened. However the final output is still solid
    black. I've tried the following:
    Reinstalling the drivers for both printers
    Using different ctb files
    Rechecking the settings after the preview. And yes on occasion Autocad will
    revert to none.
    Also I've tried going into file>page set-up and applying the changes there.
    This way seems to keep the settings to the correct ctb and printer. However
    does not fix the screening problem.

    Again I would appreciate any input.
    Mike, Feb 11, 2005
  2. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Everything still look the same. In fact I tried using 2004 to plot the same
    drawings and that seems to plot fine.
    Mike, Feb 14, 2005
  3. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Yes, I have installed it.
    Mike, Feb 14, 2005
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