still can't get scroll wheel to scroll in vb/a

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mark Propst, Jul 7, 2003.

  1. Mark Propst

    Mark Propst Guest

    logitech track man marble+
    I've installed the logitech drivers
    tried every setting i can think of
    it seems to work everywhere but in vb and vba acad
    Is there a setting in vb or vba ide to support scrolling?
    Mark Propst, Jul 7, 2003
  2. I've had the same problem...make sure SMS client is not installed or
    disabled on your computer. Might not apply for you but that was the fix for

    Douglas Christensen, Jul 7, 2003
  3. Mark Propst

    Mark Propst Guest

    what's SMS ? cant find it mentioned in help
    Mark Propst, Jul 7, 2003
  4. Mark Propst

    Rune Wold Guest

    I had the same problem and learned to live with it until I saw a guy here at
    work that could scroll the VBA code panels. He had no clue why, so we
    examined his software. The answer is: IntelliPoint!

    IntelliPoint is a free download from Microsoft, but downloading and
    installing it does not necessarily solve your problems. I use several
    different mouses, at work, at home or on travel, with the same lap top. For
    every new mouse, if it was a Logitech, I had to fool around with the drivers
    to make the VBA code panels scroll. Needless to say, now that they scroll I
    can't live without it...

    Good Luck.
    Rune Wold, Jul 8, 2003
  5. Mark Propst

    joesu Guest


    I use a Logitech mouse on a daily basis. Set your middle button function to "Universal Scroll". It works great, at least for me!

    joesu, Jul 8, 2003
  6. Mark Propst

    Mark Propst Guest

    just tried it again.
    With universal scroll set, the scroll wheel doesn't scroll, but pressing the
    wheel down(middle button click), then rolling the track ball scrolls horiz
    or vert.
    this is not like the behaviour in other progs (vlide, word, excell, etc) but
    it is scrolling and I could adapt to it,
    however, with this setting then pan is screwed up in the autocad editor,
    it will only pan side to side, and in a weird kind of way - opposite
    direction of regular pan when I move the ball.
    by checking ms compatible it gets even worse.

    I'll keep trying

    to "Universal Scroll". It works great, at least for me!
    Mark Propst, Jul 8, 2003
  7. Mark Propst

    joesu Guest

    I'm sorry, I mis-read your post. I thought you had a mouse with a scroll wheel. It may not work properly with a big marble trackball mouse.

    joesu, Jul 8, 2003
  8. Mark Propst

    david fox Guest

    I've got the same problem
    I don't suppose you can expand on your 'fooling around with the drivers'
    david fox, Jul 8, 2003
  9. Mark Propst

    Mark Propst Guest

    would that appear in the list of installed programs in control panel -
    add/remove programs?
    if so, I don't have it.
    is it a stock item with nt2000? that's what we're on
    Mark Propst, Jul 8, 2003
  10. Mark Propst

    Mark Propst Guest

    Hi Wayne,
    I must be doing something wrong
    I dled the files, unzipped, opened the .vbp in vb6, made the dll, looked in
    add-ins saw it in the list, it's checedk to load on startup. but it didn't
    closed vb, reopened, saw a splash screen saying loading (to fast to really
    see much), looked at add in's it's there in the list as being available, but
    no scroll.
    unless maybe there's something with the track ball wheel that's diff than a
    mouse wheel

    get it to work in VB was to use the following free add-in, and I wasn't able
    to make it work in VBA at all.
    Mark Propst, Jul 9, 2003
  11. Mark Propst

    Mark Propst Guest

    oh man I think I've screwed up now!
    I tried that add-in, dled the files, compiled the dll to the vb dir
    that didn't activate the scrolling
    so I tried installing the intellipoint from another post - now windows
    installer comes up every time i try to use outlook express(now) or vb.
    any vb sub i try to run in autocad crashes autocad
    vb6 won't run (windows installer comes up "preparing to install")
    i get a windows installer installer is not properly
    installed...yikes! what have idone?
    i deleted the dll and lib and ??? files the add-in compiled, and the folder
    with the add-in souce files, still no help

    woe is me!
    any thoughts?

    get it to work in VB was to use the following free add-in, and I wasn't able
    to make it work in VBA at all.
    Mark Propst, Jul 9, 2003
  12. It's a seperate product from Microsoft. It stores information about
    enterprises computers from screen resolution to installed programs. Very
    powerful. It also has the ability to allow the domain admin to control any
    computer in the enterprise...that is the feature that locks out the
    scrolling from a logitech mouse wheel in VB or VBA.
    Douglas Christensen, Jul 9, 2003
  13. Mark,

    Have you downloaded the latest MSI from Microsoft and installed it? That
    might clear up your current agony. FWIW, up until at least 2 months ago, the
    IntelliPoint driver was incompatible with the latest version of MSI.
    (Another example of MS at their shining "best"!)

    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    | oh no, I've hosed myself now!!!
    | I tried the vb addin mentioned above in thread,
    | that didnt' work (and there were a few posts on that thread about crashing
    | their computers)
    | (why didn't I listen to them????)
    | when that didn't work, i tried the intellipoint suggestion
    | when the installer came up it said it was going to uninstall the existing
    | drivers (presumably the logitech), I thought I didn't want that so I
    | cancelled the install
    | Now today everything is screwed.
    | If I try to run any vb routine in auto cad the windows installer dialog
    | comes up and says "preparing to install"
    | it just sits there for a while so I cancel it and then autocad crashes
    | fatal exception.
    | If I try to open vb6 from the desktop icon the windows installer dialog
    | comes up, when I cancel it it reappears several times then finally goes
    | but vb6 won't run.
    | I've rebooted several times
    | I removed the addin's dlls that had been compiled to the vb direc.
    | I deleted the folder and all files that had come in with the addin
    | I went ahead and let intellipoint install itself and remove the logitech
    | drivers,
    | still the windows installer problem
    | heeeeeelllllllppppppp!?!!!???!
    | | > My gut feeling is that you're better off with a driver provided by
    | microsoft
    | > than a Logitech driver.
    | >
    | > --
    | > Rune Wold
    | > Take the dog for a walk to reply
    | >
    | > --
    | > | > > I've got the same problem
    | > > I don't suppose you can expand on your 'fooling around with the
    | > >
    | > > | > > > I had the same problem and learned to live with it until I saw a guy
    | > here
    | > > at
    | > > > work that could scroll the VBA code panels. He had no clue why, so
    | > > > examined his software. The answer is: IntelliPoint!
    | > > >
    | > > > IntelliPoint is a free download from Microsoft, but downloading and
    | > > > installing it does not necessarily solve your problems. I use
    | > > > different mouses, at work, at home or on travel, with the same lap
    | top.
    | > > For
    | > > > every new mouse, if it was a Logitech, I had to fool around with the
    | > > drivers
    | > > > to make the VBA code panels scroll. Needless to say, now that they
    | > scroll
    | > > I
    | > > > can't live without it...
    | > > >
    | > > > Good Luck.
    | > > >
    | > > > --
    | > > > Rune Wold
    | > > > Take the dog for a walk to reply
    | > > >
    | > > > --
    | > > > | > > > > logitech track man marble+
    | > > > > I've installed the logitech drivers
    | > > > > tried every setting i can think of
    | > > > > it seems to work everywhere but in vb and vba acad
    | > > > > Is there a setting in vb or vba ide to support scrolling?
    | > > > >
    | > > > >
    | > > > >
    | > > >
    | > > >
    | > >
    | > >
    | >
    | >
    R. Robert Bell, Jul 9, 2003
  14. Mark Propst

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    You got it... <BEG>

    Jürg Menzi, Jul 9, 2003
  15. Mark Propst

    Mark Propst Guest

    at this point I'm afraid to download *anything* from ms !!!

    FWIW, up until at least 2 months ago, the
    how nice of them not to mention that fact on their site!!!!
    where did you find that out?
    for crying out loud - the download itself uses an xxx-msi.exe to load
    itself, (or in my case fail to load.)

    that must be why occasionally the dialog comes up saying either i'm in safe
    mode or windows installer is not installed correctly.

    I keep trying to rename msi.dll to see if that will stop it, but it keeps
    saying windows is using it, cant' rename or delete.

    Thanks for responding...even just a friendly voice helps ease some of the
    pain :)
    Mark Propst, Jul 9, 2003
  16. Of course it's not documented... it's MS! (actually, I think there is a KB

    Installing the latest MSI can't make things any worse (lying thru my teeth)
    so give it a shot.

    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    | | > Mark,
    | >
    | > Have you downloaded the latest MSI from Microsoft and installed it? That
    | > might clear up your current agony.
    | at this point I'm afraid to download *anything* from ms !!!
    | FWIW, up until at least 2 months ago, the
    | > IntelliPoint driver was incompatible with the latest version of MSI.
    | > (Another example of MS at their shining "best"!)
    | how nice of them not to mention that fact on their site!!!!
    | where did you find that out?
    | for crying out loud - the download itself uses an xxx-msi.exe to load
    | itself, (or in my case fail to load.)
    | that must be why occasionally the dialog comes up saying either i'm in
    | mode or windows installer is not installed correctly.
    | I keep trying to rename msi.dll to see if that will stop it, but it keeps
    | saying windows is using it, cant' rename or delete.
    | :(((((
    | Thanks for responding...even just a friendly voice helps ease some of the
    | pain :)
    R. Robert Bell, Jul 9, 2003
  17. There is a download on the Logitech site for gamers - something like
    gamewheel. Download and install it and everything should work - least it
    does here with my Trackman Wheel
    Mike Tuersley
    AutoCAD Clinic
    Rand IMAGINiT Technologies
    Mike Tuersley, Jul 10, 2003
  18. Mark Propst

    Mark Propst Guest

    couldn't find a dl for msi anywhere on msn search
    had to format and reinstall everything :-(
    Mark Propst, Jul 10, 2003
  19. Mark Propst

    wivory Guest

    I'm *really* sorry if my add-in suggestion had anything to do with your disaster Mark!! I've been pretty tied up the last couple of days and haven't checked the forum much so I didn't realise what you were going through, not that I would've known what to suggest. I just went looking for a mouse-wheel solution one day (much as you have), found that add-in, and have used it with no problems since.
    Deepest sympathy
    wivory, Jul 10, 2003
  20. Mark Propst

    Mark Propst Guest

    Hi Wayne,

    thanks for the sympathy

    I really don't think that was the problem even though there were some mentions of crashes on that site (but I think they were xp)

    I don't know why the add in didn't work but it didn't look like it affected or made calls to the windows installer or registry

    and I didn't notice the behaviour until trying the other suggextion of intellipoint which someone later pointed out was incompatible with the current msi

    at this point, I could care less about scrolling, i've got to play catch up now for a while.

    Plus my IT&nbsp;buddy will probably strangle me if I try anything else for a while



    "wivory" &lt;&gt; wrote in message news:...

    I'm *really* sorry if my add-in suggestion had anything to do with your disaster Mark!!
    Mark Propst, Jul 10, 2003
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