STEP Documentation

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by sebastien.cueff, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. I need to export data in STEP but I don't find any documentation about

    Is someone know where I can find documentation and specification

    sebastien.cueff, Mar 8, 2006
  2. sebastien.cueff

    David Janes Guest

    Where did you look? Googling STEP turns up a bunch of stuff and searching on ISO
    10303 (the ISO document number) gets you to a bunch of technical committees that
    actually handle the work of building the standard.
    The founder of STEPtools, Martin Hardwick, has been on STEP technical committees
    for many years and has helped write the standard. He's currently team leader of
    the STEP manufacturing group. I'm sure you'll find the answer here or through them
    or through the forums they sponsor.
    David Janes, Mar 8, 2006
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