Status Bar

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mark Adams, Feb 28, 2006.

  1. Mark Adams

    Mark Adams Guest

    Hi All,

    A colleague has asked me why he can no longer see his "status bar"
    (SNAP/GRID/ORTHO etc) at the bottom of his AutoCAD 2005 windows, since his
    laptop has been returned from our Head office.

    I was not aware that this could be turned on/off, and cannot find any
    customization settings to do this.

    Is there such a setting to return this taskbar, or does it mean
    re-installing AutoCAD? Thanks.


    Mark Adams
    Mark Adams, Feb 28, 2006
  2. Mark Adams

    Mick J Guest

    Try a right click in the area where status bar normally is, you should then
    get a toggle menu.
    Mick J, Feb 28, 2006
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