Status Bar Coordinate Readout

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Neil, May 20, 2004.

  1. Neil

    Neil Guest

    I am placing elements with coordinates in the millions
    (6085276',2279189',0'). My units are set to architectural. The status
    bar coordinate readout rarely displays these numbers correctly.
    Instead it truncates it and rounds it off in absolute coordinates.
    6085276'-0" is displayed as 7.302E+07 which is useless and incorrect
    information. 7.302E+07 = 73020000. Whereas 6085257 x 12 = 73023312.
    When I do 'inquiry ID point' I get the same coordinate garbage as the
    status bar. The only way to see the correct coordinates is via
    'properties'. How do I get the status bar to display the units
    correctly regardless of size? There doesn't seem to be any adjustment
    available for stretching the coordinate readout area of the status
    Neil, May 20, 2004
  2. Neil

    Paul Turvill Guest

    I think you'll find that the rounding takes place only in the display.
    AutoCAD's internal precision is always to at least 15 significant digits.
    Also, the status bar shows the location of the cursor, not objects on the
    Paul Turvill, May 21, 2004
  3. Neil

    Jim Patrick Guest

    Why? Architectural units are for architecture, a discipline that
    never runs into millions of units.
    A) It isn't "useless".
    B) It isn't incorrect.

    You're whining about a couple of hundred feet in a 1000 mile span.
    The information in your example is accurate to +/- 0.005%. That's far
    beyond the accuracy that's achieved in fabrication. If ->you<- can't
    use it for your (unstated) purpose, then that's different.
    There is no adjustment of the coordinate display in the status bar.
    Use PROPERTIES or LIST. Autocad (generally) deals with the real
    world. If it doesn't work for you, why don't you try using MathCAD?
    Jim Patrick, May 21, 2004
  4. The status bar displays "UNITS". In the architectural system, your UNITS are
    INCHES, so the display is correct, if less than useful, and no-there is no
    way to expand the status bar.

    Unless your project somehow forces you to work at this distance from the
    origin, why not move your model closer to 0,0,0 or define a UCS with its
    origin closer to your model? Are you new to Acad?
    Michael Bulatovich, May 21, 2004

  5. Neil:
    This works in Autodesk Map 2004. Under <Format>;<Units> length set to
    decimal. Then set the precision to your desired number of decimal

    Jerry Wilkinson
    Jerry Wilkinson, May 21, 2004
  6. That will have ramifications for the accuracy of the model.
    It's NOT the best way to address the OP's problem, especially
    if he wants the accuracy back later.
    Michael Bulatovich, May 21, 2004
  7. Neil

    Neil Guest

    Thanks for your responses. Yes my project is forcing me to work at
    this location to coordinate with other companines using different
    software. (MicroStation). It seems the translation software only reads
    the coordinates of the WCS and not my UCS. The coordinate readout in
    the status bar was confusing me when I swithed back to WCS.
    Neil, May 21, 2004
  8. Neil

    Huw Guest

    That setting only affects display precision, not internal precision. Map uses the same 'engine' as AutoCAD. It could only affect accuracy if you copy&pasted LIST output from the text window. Or am I missing something?
    Huw, May 24, 2004
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