static drawins

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Barna Madau, Sep 15, 2003.

  1. Barna Madau

    Barna Madau Guest

    Is it possible in SW 2001+ to create a drawing, and then de-link the model
    so the .slddrw file can me emailed separate of the model to a vendor? Don't
    ask why, because I think the reasons are stupid, but I'm being made to find
    out by my boss. We've been sending drawings to vendors as PDF's, which I
    think are the best thing since sliced bread and sliced cheese combined, but
    that's not good enough for our Taiwan vendor, although it's more than good
    enough for ALL of our vendors in the states. I wish management would have
    some way to quantify wasted time and double work, and add that to the "oh,
    look how cheap their quotes are", and see if it still looks so cheap.

    Barna Madau, Sep 15, 2003
  2. Barna Madau

    JJ Guest


    JJ, Sep 15, 2003
  3. Barna Madau

    Arlin Guest

    Rapid Draft
    Arlin, Sep 15, 2003
  4. Barna Madau

    FrankW Guest

    I would say: Because they can't read (the floor workers) english.
    If they want a format that they can replace language (for example)
    A dxf should be O.K.
    Otherwise I dunno ;-)
    FrankW, Sep 15, 2003
  5. Barna Madau

    Joel Moore Guest

    If they had Acrobat they could mark up the PDF files just as easily.

    It wouldn't make me comfortable to think of my vendors changing my drawings
    for whatever reason, but I suppose it's often necessary.

    Joel Moore
    Joel Moore, Sep 15, 2003
  6. Barna Madau

    matt Guest

    Look in the Help for Rapid Draft (renamed "detached drawings" in sw04).

    matt, Sep 16, 2003
  7. Barna Madau

    Ray Reynolds Guest

    I'll second this, especially if your vendor has SW already. It's simple,
    fast and easy.
    Ray Reynolds, Sep 16, 2003
  8. Barna Madau

    Ron Waligora Guest

    If you only send the *.slddrw file, the model is detached. They open
    it with the free viewer, or send them the swviewer with the file. For
    us, the e-drawing is most times too large of a file and the recipient
    hasn't a large enough machine to pull it up.

    Ron Waligora
    Ron Waligora, Sep 17, 2003
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