state of the SW universe?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, May 17, 2008.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    Greetings people., other than the decay of this group to 95% crap posts by jon, cliff
    and the clods from alt .machines whats happening with SW these days?

    The reason I am asking this in all seriousness is that my old VAR has sent
    me a temping offer to rejoin subs again..

    Now the first thought that came to me about this is that no-one is getting
    into SW08 and they are starving to death..sad...but then again I thought
    this might be something to consider slightly seriously if they are going to
    bring in substantial penalties for non obedience soon..carrot and stick
    (why we should pay to compensate for downturned profits reflecting slowly
    deteriorating releases is just a little galling but..)

    Given the reason I got out of subs was mostly to do with the 2000+ per
    release bug farce and the groom and control your customers bullshit how is
    SW08 actually?

    The new UI is a turn off but how has the serious surfacing been with it?
    speed generally?

    My thought was actually I might rejoin subs but wait until the final sp to
    use it or - skip using 08 all together with 09 the actual target available
    during the subs year...but... then again I read beta will be very short this
    time which is not at all encouraging

    Any thoughts from serious users out there about the state of the SW universe
    at this time is welcome.
    neil, May 17, 2008
  2. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    My thought was actually I might rejoin subs but wait until the final sp to

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 17, 2008
  3. Neil: "Now the first thought that came to me about this is that no-one
    is getting into SW08"

    In recent times, I have noticed a flurry of requests from my customers
    of SolidWorks add-ins for updated add-ins compatible with SolidWorks
    2008. This leads me to believe that people have started adopting SW
    2008 in respectable numbers. Maybe they were waiting for a few SP's to
    be released. I know that my customers may not be an accurate sample of
    the entire SW customer base, but they may give some indication to a

    Is anyone hearing otherwise?

    Deelip Menezes
    Deelip Menezes, May 17, 2008
  4. neil

    CarCrazy666 Guest

    Sincere Greetings,

    In our group, some 100 or so seats, only a few are sampling 2008 and
    the conclusion is not to upgrade.
    There's nothing in 08 to justify disrupting our operation of networked
    07 installs.
    If it ain't broke why fix it?
    The yearly subscription fee is paid, but if 09 isn't a marvel, you can
    be sure next year we will cut the number of subscribed seats to about
    half that, that decision has been.
    This is fact for our use of Solidworks.

    CarCrazy666, May 17, 2008
  5. CC: "There's nothing in 08 to justify disrupting our operation of
    networked 07 installs."

    Yes, I have heard this argument over and over again. And it is a
    perfectly valid one. I belive one year is too less a time to:
    1) Fix old bugs
    2) Create new features
    3) Test the new features

    I believe the item on the list above that gets the least amount of
    time is (3) when it should actually get the most. This results in
    whole new set of bugs for the next year which goes to compound the

    And this phenomenon is not restricted only to SolidWorks.

    Deelip Menezes
    Deelip Menezes, May 17, 2008
  6. neil

    neil Guest

    what is the reason(s) most of the group arent upgrading then?
    UI borked? admin and bug fatigue? little or nothing attractive about the new
    stuff? other CAD looks better? tight budget? bad press?..

    I admit from the little info I have seen of 09 features it doesnt seem very
    exciting but you live in hope the performance gain is real.
    I would really like to see some 'simple' practical improvements like for
    instance adding conics rather than still more 'it draws itself' stuff.
    I guess a lot of folks are waiting to see if the new CEO will really deliver
    the redirection customers have talked about for a long time to no effect.

    thanks for your reply

    neil, May 17, 2008
  7. Neil: "what is the reason(s) most of the group arent upgrading then?
    UI borked? admin and bug fatigue? little or nothing attractive about
    the new stuff? other CAD looks better? tight budget? bad press?.."

    I think the number one reason is quite simply that they done see a
    good enough reason to upgrade. Basically, the new stuff in the new
    version is something that they very well can do without.

    It may interest you to know that at SYCODE, we sell add-ins to
    customers who are still using SolidWorks 2001 and are quite happy with
    it. We have a policy of supporting versions as early as is technically
    possible and economically feasible. For example, we develop and
    support plug-ins for AutoCAD 2000 onwards. And I am not talking about
    maintaining old products. A brand new AutoCAD plug-in that we launch
    will work with AutoCAD 2000. Same goes for SolidWorks 2001.

    Now you may ask why do we go to these extra pains of supporting legacy
    versions. Well, I believe that every customer is important. Just
    because he uses (and is quite happy with) an older version of the
    software it doesn't mean that we close the doors on him. And by the
    way, most our plug-ins are sold to users who are not using the latest
    version of the software available. They are one or two versions below.

    My point is, some people are quite happy driving their tried and
    tested 5 year old car simply because they need to get from point A to
    point B. Not everybody needs the latest model, especially if the
    latest model is known to break down after every 10 miles.

    Deelip Menezes
    Deelip Menezes, May 17, 2008
  8. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    The reason is that many SolidWorks customers are sick and tired of
    bells and whistles and no tools that are really need and that they
    have been waiting years for.

    Without tools like this there will be no upgrade to SW 2009 either. It
    doesn't matter how many times SolidWorks employee Joe Dunne claims in
    a video on CADJunky that this SolidWorks release is the "best ever"
    like he did for SolidWorks 2008.

    Where is this technology in SolidWorks 2009?
    Thank You Siemens/UGS! See:

    Matt Lombard:

    Wrong again on the tools needed by those who work in machining job
    shops who are asked to modify their customers designs.

    Completely out of touch with those that are handed someone else’s
    design and are asked to modify it.

    Franco Folini Of Novedge:

    Wrong again about almost everything he comments on in regards to CAD.
    The reason is he Folini is trying to protect the products and vendors
    he represents at Novedge. Siemens/UGS products are not sold by


    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 17, 2008
  9. neil

    neil Guest

    Well its nice to hear you support as many users as possible.
    Possibly being a 3rd party company you have a different situation to SW
    themselves who need to keep dazzling us with new stuff on the great
    capitalist mission to bring SW to every engineers desktop...

    Traditionally SW users have ended up being dragged forward by other
    businesses early adoption of the latest and greatest.
    Perhaps this cycle has been broken at this point.

    I wonder if this is indicative of people bypassing the struggle and only
    adopting sp5 for a whole year (my preferred strategy as a solo designer) or
    whether people are completely turned off the upgrade game all together?

    Seems to me too there isnt much new about the broken nature of CAD either. I
    have complained a lot about this here and there in the past and there was a
    lot of indifference and even pretence or fanboyism that it wasnt an issue.

    I wonder why this suddenly is an issue for a significant number of people?
    Pity there dont seem to be many users here these days to share their

    neil, May 17, 2008
  10. neil

    TOP Guest

    SP4 EV is out so in a couple weeks it will be at that level which
    might mean stable.

    I can't say I've done a lot of surfacing with it so I don't know about
    stability there.

    There was a discussion about the cost of coming back on subscription a
    weel or so ago. I won't rehash that.

    TOP, May 17, 2008
  11. neil

    neil Guest

    ok thanks Top, so looks like you and Bo are the only old inhabitants left
    here then? shame to see this place die...

    ok so nothing in the SW universe has changed..

    except perhaps it might all suck down into a black hole generated by their
    own careless lab experiments - meanwhile the remaining folks and the
    reluctant will pedal faster to keep the engine going fast enough to offset
    the pull...

    later :)
    neil, May 18, 2008
  12. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    jon_banquer, May 18, 2008
  13. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    you might as well upgrade...

    to SolidEdge if it's got a decent implementation of Synchronous
    Technology and SolidWorks has no answer because of SolidWorks Corp.
    past obsession with bells and whistles rather then developing their
    own technology.

    If you’ve got the funds go with UG NX 6. With the money you have saved
    over the years by not upgrading why not spoil yourself with the needed
    tools that SolidWorks 2008 doesn't have and most likely SolidWorks
    2009 won't have.

    Did I mention I have a blog? ;>)

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 18, 2008
  14. neil

    Cliff Guest

    And you lose what functionality?
    And you migrate your existing data exactly how
    & with what losses (while throwing away all your
    investment & training in SW?)

    Not that you've ever used it either. Or are ever
    even halfway sane.
    Cliff, May 18, 2008
  15. neil

    Cliff Guest

    And whose "technology" are those "bells and whistles"
    (functionality), exactly?
    Cliff, May 18, 2008
  16. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, May 18, 2008
  17. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    you might as well upgrade...

    to SolidEdge if it's got a decent implementation of Synchronous
    Technology and SolidWorks has no answer because of SolidWorks Corp.
    past obsession with bells and whistles rather then developing their
    own technology.

    If you’ve got the funds go with UG NX 6. With the money you have saved
    over the years by not upgrading why not spoil yourself with the needed
    tools that SolidWorks 2008 doesn't have and most likely SolidWorks
    2009 won't have.

    Did I mention I have a blog? ;>)

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 18, 2008
  18. neil

    neil Guest

    you 2 guys are getting lonely here I can tell

    is that you in the video cliff?
    I kept thinking it might end in an explosion you know...
    btw I see you will have 125,000 posts coming up soon-
    any thoughts of retiring from retirement?

    jon what else is happening out there in the CAD world?
    you know more scoop news and marketing bullshit than anyone else..
    must be other stuff happening everyone should know about other than simple
    seimens rubber modelling extravaganza...

    seriously though your blog is up there with matts for content minus the
    fishing pictures ;)

    be good to each other ya here ;)
    neil, May 18, 2008
  19. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Naw, someone that posts here at times sent it to me. Not
    him/her either I'm certain.
    Regular *actual* SW user though.
    Me too. I know better.
    But clueless loves videos too so .... LOL ...
    Cliff, May 18, 2008
  20. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    jon what else is happening out there in the CAD world?

    First and foremost it's a CADCAM world not just a CAD world. The two
    are inseparable... sorry. :>)

    Second, what Siemens/UGS has shown IS the next big breakthrough and
    not as Matt Lombard has declared "Ho-hum" technology. As per usual
    Matt Lombard is out of touch with the tools that are needed by
    manufacturing because Matt Lombard doesn't have clue one on what's
    need in this area and is a complete fucking moron when it comes to
    understanding manufacturing.

    Better technology is not enough. It's up to Siemens/UGS to develop
    their VAR network like SolidWorks has developed theirs and it's up to
    the combined effort of Simens/UGS and their VAR's to go after
    SolidWorks and Mastercam with a vengeance. It's now or never.
    Not right now and that's fine with me! What Siemens/UGS has solves my
    last major issue and it is the last really big issue in CAD for me.
    The first was solved when hybrid modeling emerged as being the way to
    go.... something I had said for years needed to happen. The rest will
    be polish and incremental improvement.
    No blog even comes close when it comes to explaining where the
    problems in CADCAM really are and no blog exposes the ugly truth about
    the CADCAM business better than:

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 18, 2008
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