Startup Suite

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DannyCounts, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. DannyCounts

    DannyCounts Guest

    I have some LSP files in my startup suite and I would like these same LSP files to be in the startup suite on 80 other systems. I am hoping there is a file somewhere that holds which LSP files are in the Startup so I can put this file on the other machines. Does such a file exist? And, if the file exists, is there an easy way to get this file to the 80 other machines other than manually, for instance can the startup LSP files be saved into a profile or something.
    DannyCounts, Nov 5, 2004
  2. DannyCounts

    CraigV\(fs\) Guest look at the install program. Use it to create a setup with
    Inno Setup. Free.
    CraigV\(fs\), Nov 5, 2004
  3. DannyCounts

    ECCAD Guest

    More questions than answers.
    Are all the (80) machines running on a 'shared' Network ?
    Do all the machines have the same 'revision' of AutoCAD ?
    Generally speaking, you will need to gather the 'raw' Lisp files, copy them to a 'common' point - for loading.
    You could make up a LoadMe.lsp that does something like:
    (if (findfile "K:/autocad/lisp/lisp1.lsp")(load "K:/autocad/lisp/lisp1.lsp"))
    .........more of the same
    And, in (each) unit, append :
    (if (findfile "K:/autocad/lisp/loadme.lsp")(load "K:/autocad/lisp/loadme.lsp")) their \support\acaddoc.lsp file.
    IF you are loading your lisp from a 'menu' (.mnl) file, then
    you will need to have the menu files available to all also.

    Questions: give me an E-Mail at:
    (remove the nospam + ".")

    ECCAD, Nov 5, 2004
  4. DannyCounts

    Walt Engle Guest

    Perhaps you're not concerned with the following: are these lsp routines your, i.e., did you program them? If so, then they are copyrighted and are you sure you want to install them on other computers?
    Walt Engle, Nov 5, 2004
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