startup problems

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Marco_Fontana, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. Hi all,

    I've installed sw2008 sp0 but, when i try to start it, a dialog says
    me that some files are missing and i've to re-install sw otherwise
    some lightweight models can't start...
    After this start-up stops.

    I can't use sw...

    Could you help me?

    Thank you vm

    Marco_Fontana, Jun 2, 2008
  2. Marco_Fontana

    TOP Guest

    For starters what OS are you on?

    What files does it say are missing?

    TOP, Jun 2, 2008
  3. Win XP Pro sp2
    some files... there is no specific name...

    Marco_Fontana, Jun 2, 2008
  4. Marco_Fontana

    TOP Guest

    I have had missing file problems during install, but never during run
    or startup. It would help if you can catch the exact wording of the
    dialog box when it happens. Sometimes an ALT-PrintScreen on the dialog
    and then dropping it into WordPad can efficiently catch these things
    for later examination.

    You might also consider running RX and record the problem.

    There is a repair facility in the installer. You could also try that
    or maybe you already have.

    TOP, Jun 3, 2008
  5. I'll try...
    My collegue has no problem using the same version an then upgrade to
    I think that the problem resides on framework...
    The last beach...

    Thank you
    Marco_Fontana, Jun 3, 2008
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