startup loading lisps

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ChrisL, Sep 16, 2003.

  1. ChrisL

    ChrisL Guest

    I'm trying to get my acad.lsp to load some of my frequently used lisps. I don't know coding and tried using the good ole F1. I can't figure what it is I'm doing wrong.
    this is what I got:
    (defun S::STARTUP()
    (load "lispname")

    please any help with this is appreciated
    ChrisL, Sep 16, 2003
  2. ChrisL

    Mack Attack Guest

    I use the autoload - lispname - lispcommand

    (autoload "reinsert" '("rein"))

    I'm sure this isn't the only way to do it

    "ChrisL" <> wrote in message news:...

    I'm trying to get my acad.lsp to load some of my frequently used lisps. I don't know coding and tried using the good ole F1. I can't figure what it is I'm doing wrong.
    this is what I got:
    (defun S::STARTUP()
    (load "lispname")

    please any help with this is appreciated
    Mack Attack, Sep 16, 2003
  3. ChrisL

    Paul Turvill Guest

    That should do it ... provided the rest of your S::STARTUP function is coded
    correctly. What happens? Anything? Show us the rest of your code, and maybe
    someone will be able to point to a specific problem.
    Paul Turvill, Sep 16, 2003
  4. ChrisL

    ChrisL Guest

    I have no rest of the code. Which is probably the problem. When I open a new DWG I either get an error saying I have an "extra rght paren on input" or something like that. Or "malformatted list" how should the S::STARTUP code end?
    ChrisL, Sep 16, 2003
  5. ChrisL

    Michel Guest

    Each parenthesis that you open must be closed....

    (defun S::STARTUP()
    (load "lispname")
    ) ---> this close the defun

    ChrisL a écrit :
    Michel, Sep 16, 2003
  6. ChrisL

    Walt Engle Guest

    Most of the people here have an acad.lsp. Post the acad.lsp that you have and
    someone will clean it up for you. Additionally, if you also post the functions
    you want to load with each dwg, they will also do one for you and this will
    allow you to do the remainder.
    Walt Engle, Sep 16, 2003
  7. ChrisL

    ChrisL Guest

    Walt thanks...
    I would post it but currently it is nothing(well nothing that works). All I want is to beable to load some shareware lisps that I have upon opening a new dwg. I have the option set, to load the acad.lsp in every dwg. If someone could post the code that I need, then I could just change the lisp name that would be great.
    ChrisL, Sep 16, 2003
  8. ChrisL

    Walt Engle Guest

    That's not the way it works. However, I will post one below. You will
    have to make changes you see fit.

    (COMMAND "STYLE" "STANDARD" "romans" "" "" "" "" "" "")
    (SETVAR "AUPREC" 2) ;angular units precision set to 2 places
    (SETVAR "BLIPMODE" 0) ;turns off blips
    (SETVAR "CMDECHO" 0) ;turns off lisp echoing
    (COMMAND "SETVAR" "COORDS" 0) ;turns off dynamics coordinate updating
    ;(COMMAND "SETVAR" "DIMCLRT" 0) ;dimension text color
    (SETVAR "DIMEXE" 0.09) ;extension line distance past dim line
    (COMMAND "SETVAR" "DISPSILH" 1) ;to hide during
    (SETVAR "DIMTAD" 1) ;dim text above dim line-default is 0
    (SETVAR "DIMTIH" 1) ;dim text aligned
    (SETVAR "DIMTXSTY" "STANDARD") ;dim text style
    (SETVAR "DIMTXT" 0.125) ;dim text height
    (SETVAR "DIMCEN" 0.09) ;zero draws no centermark for
    ;center, dia & radius subcommands

    (SETVAR "DIMUNIT" 6) ;arch units format
    (SETVAR "DIMDEC" 5) ;dimension decimal places-5= 1/32th inch
    (SETVAR "DIMAUNIT" 0) ;no decimal places on angular dimension
    (SETVAR "LUNITS" 4) ;arch linear units
    (COMMAND "UNITS" 4 32 1 2 0 "N") ;arch, sixteenths, dec deg, 2 places

    (SETVAR "DIMUPT" 0) ;user placement of dim text-1allows dim placed
    outside for radius and diam
    (COMMAND "SETVAR" "DIMZIN" 7) ;supresses zero feet but not zero inches
    (COMMAND "SETVAR" "EDGEMODE" 1) ;cutting & boundary edge
    (SETVAR "FILEDIA" 1) ;dialog boxes enabled
    (COMMAND "SETVAR" "FONTALT" "ROMANSD") ;alternate font
    (SETVAR "FACETRES" 10) ;smoothness of shaded and hidden lines
    (SETVAR "ISAVEPERCENT" 0) ;saves all of dwg instead of most recent part

    (SETVAR "MIRRTEXT" 0) ;mirroring text normally
    (COMMAND "SETVAR" "OSMODE" 32) ;intersection obj snap
    (COMMAND "SETVAR" "SAVETIME" 10) ;10 minutes automatic saving
    (SETVAR "SORTENTS" 23) ;object sort order
    (SETVAR "TEXTQLTY" 25) ;faster regen for texts
    (COMMAND "SETVAR" "TEXTSTYLE" "STANDARD") ;text style name
    (COMMAND "SETVAR" "TEXTSIZE" 0.125) ;text height
    (COMMAND "TIME" "OFF" "") ;"on" checks times, dates of
    ;dwg worked on
    (SETVAR "UCSICON" 1) ;ucs icon on
    (COMMAND "VIEWRES" "" 1000) ;resolution for smoother circles

    (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "1"))
    (command "layer" "M" "1" "c" "red" "1" "L" "continuous" "1" ""))
    (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "2"))
    (command "layer" "M" "2" "c" "yellow" "2" "L" "continuous" "2" ""))
    (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "3"))
    (command "layer" "M" "3" "c" "green" "3" "L" "continuous" "3" ""))
    (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "4"))
    (command "layer" "M" "4" "c" "cyan" "4" "L" "hidden" "4" ""))
    (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "5"))
    (command "layer" "M" "5" "c" "RED" "5" "L" "center" "5" ""))
    (command "SETVAR" "CLAYER" "0")
    (prompt "\nLoading Acad.lsp...Please wait.....")
    Walt Engle, Sep 16, 2003
  9. ChrisL

    ChrisL Guest

    I admitt I'm not a lisp expert but I do know for a fact that what I'm looking for can be done. I think Mack Attack's post is closer to what I'm looking for. Your lisp seems to set-up your document. I want mine just to load some tools. I had this acad.lsp at my previous job but I'm having problems getting it from them.
    ChrisL, Sep 16, 2003
  10. ChrisL

    Mack Attack Guest

    To simplify things I just added a little section under the acad.lsp (or acad2000doc.lsp in my case) to accomplish what you are looking for.  It is a little easier than creating a sperate .lsp file.  I hope this helps (I also like to give a small description after the lsp to describe what it does, just a personal preference)



    ;;;===== PBA AutoLoad LISP Applications =====
    ;;; Modified by Brian E. Mackey October 2001


    (autoload "Batt" '("batt"));;draws batt insulation from specific points
    (autoload "Bup" '("bup"));;draws a blow up line around specified points
    (autoload "Cln" '("cln"));;clean intersections
    (autoload "Curve" '("crv"));;offsets incrimental lines to show a curved object
    (autoload "dimarcl" '("Dimarcl"));;dimensions an arc
    (autoload "dimnote" '("dpm" "dho" "dvf" "deq" "dor" "dty" "dmn"));;dimension text
    (autoload "mmt" '("mmt"));; adds one string of text to another mtext
    (autoload "new-door" '("nd" "xd"));;add new and exterior doors, trims wall lines to headers
    (autoload "offdel" '("ofd"));;offset a line and then delete it
    (autoload "offpr" '("ofp"));;offsets a line into a pair and deletes the original
    (autoload "offst" '("ofl"));;offset a line to a specified layer
    (autoload "offwall" '("ptyp"));;
    (autoload "pdn" '("pdn"));;changes the snap angle to a selected line
    (autoload "pl" '("exist"));;wall fill to specific layer
    (autoload "reinsert" '("rein"));;Insert another block by touching an existing one
    (autoload "sellay" '("sellay" "selx" "sl" "slx" "fl" "ol" "kl" "ul" "ml" "il" "ilx"))
    (autoload "snapr" '("snapr"));;changes the snap angle by 15deg incriments
    (autoload "vplim" '("vpl"));draws a boundry line in model space from a selected viewport
    (autoload "wdwall" '("wdwall"));;draws lines to look liked a wood wall


    ;;======= PBA Commands ===========
    ;;; Modified by Brian E. Mackey October 2001


    (defun C:ZA () (command ".ZOOM" "ALL")(prin1))
    (defun C:ZD () (command ".ZOOM" "DYNAMIC")(prin1))
    (defun C:ZE () (command ".ZOOM" "EXTENTS")(prin1))
    (defun C:ZP () (command ".ZOOM" "PREVIOUS")(prin1))
    (defun C:ZR () (command ".ZOOM" "REALTIME")(prin1))
    (defun C:ZS () (command ".ZOOM" "SCALE" ".9x")(prin1))
    (defun C:ZW () (command ".ZOOM" "WINDOW")(prin1))
    (defun C:CON () (command ".DIM" ".CONTINUE")(prin1))
    (defun C:HOM () (command ".DIM" ".HOME")(prin1))
    (defun C:UP () (command ".DIM" ".UPDATE")(prin1))


    ;;======= PBA Variables ===========
    ;;; Modified by Brian E. Mackey May 2002
    (setvar "filletrad" 0.0).
    (setvar "chamfera" 0.0)
    (setvar "chamferb" 0.0)

    Mack Attack, Sep 16, 2003
  11. ChrisL

    Paul Turvill Guest

    It would take very little effort on your part to glean the information you
    need by simply starting at F1, and looking in the Customization Guide. As an
    alternative, simply browse some of the many, many, LISP routines that have
    been posted here and perhaps thousands of locations on the Web.

    If you *really* need a bit of spoon-feeding, then try this: to automatically
    load LISP files named MyLisp01.lsp and MyLisp02.lsp, you would need only

    (defun S::STARTUP ( )
    (load "MyLisp01")
    (load "MyLisp02")
    );;<-- this paren closes the S::STARTUP definition

    To open additional files, just add more calls to the (load ...) function.

    new DWG I either get an error saying I have an "extra rght paren on input"
    or something like that. Or "malformatted list" how should the S::STARTUP
    code end?
    Paul Turvill, Sep 17, 2003
  12. ChrisL

    ChrisL Guest

    Thanks Mack any everyone else trying to help. I managed to retrieve my old file which is this:

    (setq S::STARTUP (append S::STARTUP mystartup))

    (defun c:breakat () (command"break" pause "f" pause "@" ))
    (defun c:corner () (command"fillet" "r" "0" "fillet" ))
    (defun c:ptx () (command "pdmode" "3"))
    (load "lydelmrg")
    (load "thread")
    (load "spring")
    (load "3dspiral")
    (load "flatten")
    (load "xplode")
    (load "getarea")
    (load "clipit")
    (load "extrim")
    (load "polydis")
    (load "mstretch")
    (load "ssx")
    (load "attredef")
    (load "flipdim")
    (load "fudge")
    (load "heal")
    (load "bolt")
    (load "ai_utils")
    (load "ddptype")
    (load "txtmatch")
    (load "blkupd")
    (defun C:FLOAT () (princ "\nSelect Objects to Float ...") (setq sset (ssget)) (if sset (progn (command "_.COPY" sset "" "0,0,0" "@") (command "_.ERASE" sset "") ) ) (princ) )
    (load "blkscale")
    (load "cpy2layr")
    (load "insrot")
    (load "span12")
    (load "txt2mtxt")
    (defun C:CHGPREV ()
    &nbsp;&nbsp;(setq sset (ssget "P"))
    &nbsp;&nbsp;(if sset
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(sssetfirst sset sset)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(command "_.PROPERTIES")

    Thanks again.
    ChrisL, Sep 17, 2003
  13. ChrisL

    Paul Turvill Guest

    .... and ... ? Are you saying this works, or not?

    file which is this:
    Paul Turvill, Sep 17, 2003
  14. ChrisL

    ChrisL Guest

    sorry my last post of the acad.lsp file does work.
    ChrisL, Sep 17, 2003
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