startpoint and endpoint not available

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dave, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest

    Hi All,

    I have an interesting problem. I am having a VB programmer create a routine
    that aligns a 3D solids to the WCS.

    I need this as an example code, then we may have a C++ programmer take a
    look and do with ObjectARX.

    Here is the problem:

    We copy the 3D solid and put it on its own layer. We make a copy of the copy
    and put that on its own layer.
    Then we lock all the layers, but one of the new layers. We then select all
    and sendcommand to explode all.
    Then we then select all and sendcommand to explode all, again.
    We do this because the align method is not available for a 3D solid.

    We now have lines all over a 3D solid copy.
    We now get the properties for all the lines and use the sendcommand with the
    align command to align both the new 3D solid and the lines to 0.0.0 and WCS.

    This was working fine with ACAD 2002. We did the routine with both 2 point
    align and then another 2 point align.
    We also did it at one time with a 3 point align.

    What we are finding is:
    If we open a 2002 drawing that had 3D solids that were created with MDT, yes
    they are just normal 3D solids, we cannot retrieve the startpoint and
    endpoint of the newly created lines from exploding the 3D solid twice. The
    code sees the new lines in the selection set, but for some reason, refuses
    to give us the startpoint and endpoint to pass out with sendcommand align.

    Does anyone have any idea? We have been looking at this for 3 days and still
    have not figured out why this is happening?

    Thank you very much,

    David Wishengrad
    President & CTO
    MillLister, Inc.
    Software for BOM, measuring, stretching and controlling visibility of
    multiple 3D solids.
    Dave, Dec 17, 2004
  2. Dave

    Dave Guest

    As a follow up, if we wBlock out the 3D solid to its own file and then
    process it there, the routine works fine.
    I guess what I am looking for is know bug or problem that we are unaware of.


    David Wishengrad
    President & CTO
    MillLister, Inc.
    Software for BOM, measuring, stretching and controlling visibility of
    multiple 3D solids.
    Dave, Dec 17, 2004
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