Start with window Maximized

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Aggrevated, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. Aggrevated

    Aggrevated Guest

    It irritates me that Proe doesn't fill the screen until you force the
    window to Maximize. I understand that the space on the right side is
    left there because menus and junk like to pop up over there. I hate
    it anyway.

    Can I force Proe to open windows Maximized and have the popups just
    show up over the window?
    Aggrevated, Jul 13, 2007
  2. Aggrevated

    David Janes Guest

    It irritates me that Proe doesn't fill the screen until you force the
    window to Maximize. I understand that the space on the right side is
    left there because menus and junk like to pop up over there. I hate
    it anyway.

    Can I force Proe to open windows Maximized and have the popups just
    show up over the window?

    Sure, buy PTC, fire all the directors, product line managers, and all senior management, then, plunk a $100 million into software development (no bandaids, please, let's just make a workable, user friendly, Inventor-like GUI [and maybe re-write the kernel] so we can easily get some work done.) I can't even imagine, while there's so much cash floating aroung the US, that this hasn't been done before. But, seriously, you'd have to make this a Windows program, which it is NOT!

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 13, 2007
  3. Aggrevated

    Aggrevated Guest

    Ha. well fine. You don't gotta get all sarcastic :)
    Aggrevated, Jul 13, 2007
  4. Aggrevated

    David Janes Guest

    Ha. well fine. You don't gotta get all sarcastic :)

    Hey, if I can't get sarcastic on Friday (esp about PTC), when can I get sarcastic! And, when it comes to PTC, there's really no limit, so I'm thinking you got lucky I was so RESERVED!!! Friday and all... just workin' with what I got. Hey, everybody, check out WF3, stuff in there you'd a thought would have been in there from the beginning but, it's finally in there. And now they're talking about WF4. I think we need a betting pool on how far PTC can stretch out the Dashboard functionality roll out. I say they can get this to Slowburn 6 or maybe even to BarelyBurningEmber 10. They're definitely milking it for every dime it's worth.
    David Janes, Jul 13, 2007
  5. Aggrevated

    graminator Guest

    If you do that then those menus etc will pop to the bottom and you
    won't be able to get to them. You can't embed them like you can the
    graminator, Jul 16, 2007
  6. Aggrevated

    ericus57 Guest

    try to add in
    open_window_maximized yes

    ericus57, Jul 16, 2007
  7. Aggrevated

    krisofoz Guest

    Right click on the ProE icon on your desktop to access properties. On
    the second page labeled 'Shortcuts' choose the option 'Maximised' form
    the pulldown menu in the last but one field addressed 'Run:' Try this
    and see if you get ProE to open in a maximized window.

    krisofoz, Jul 18, 2007
  8. Aggrevated

    graminator Guest

    "Maximized" doesn't mean the window fills the screen like in most
    other applications. In ProE it means it fills the screen with the
    exception of that little bit down the side where the menus go. I had
    my Uni students doing the same thing when they first ran ProE - they
    would click the maximize button at the top right corner to fill the
    screen then wonder why they couldn't see their menus.
    graminator, Jul 25, 2007
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