start-up switches

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by RPMahler, Jul 25, 2003.

  1. RPMahler

    RPMahler Guest

    Hey everyone,
    I'm having some problems with my start-up switches. Here we go.
    When I use my shortcut to ACAD 2002, (see below) my standard tool bar and my
    pulldowns are non functioning. I can still use the keyboard commands to
    open a drawing "CTRL O" but that's the only way I can open a drawing. If I
    close 2002 and reopen this problem goes away, unless I wait more than a few
    min. Anyone have any ideas what's going on.
    This lisp routine "startup" closes drawing 1 without saving.

    "C:\Program Files\ACAD2002\acad.exe" /nologo /b "startup"
    RPMahler, Jul 25, 2003
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