Start Dialog Loses Settings

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Brian Minto, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. Brian Minto

    Brian Minto Guest

    I recently converted from Windows 98 to Windows XP SP2 to facilitate adding
    AutoCAD2005LDD to my existing AutoCAD14 and AutoCAD2000i. 2005LDD is
    something of a monster, but that is not the problem. AutoCAD14 behaves
    really well, but AutoCAD2000i absolutely will not retain my view setting in
    the open, save or saveas dialog boxes. Each time it resets its view to
    icons, rather than retaining the "details" setting that I have grown
    attached to. I have been through Autodesk's solutions of setting Windows
    Explorer's settings - works outside of AutoCAD2000i, but not with 2000i.
    Anyone ever seen this problem and solved it? I am assuming that I am not
    Brian Minto, Apr 1, 2005
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