STAR benchmark

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Apr 18, 2005.

  1. Sorry, couldn't resist that one.

    Nothing out of the ordinary here - I was surprised to see the results also.
    Makes me wonder how heavily it's influenced by the graphics card as that is
    one difference - 256 meg vs. 128 meg. It may be the extra RAM, but I really
    don't want to yank it out right at the moment. If the RAM were the issue,
    that would point to faster access in & out, I would think, and that makes
    sense in terms of speeding up everything. I didn't touch the mouse or do
    anything during the runnings, but I can't guarantee that Outlook, etc.
    didn't in the background.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 18, 2005
  2. I just ran it again with SW2004 and got the same numbers. I did, however,
    have to manually open a new part each time or I would error out. I also
    noticed that the conf corner was turned on.

    Screen resolution for both SW2004 & SW2005 was 1600 x 1200.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 18, 2005
  3. TOP

    jjs Guest

    I think you are onto something

    My usual level 4 time is 55s approx - however when the SW is reduced
    down to just the width of the FM on the left and 1cm wide graphic
    window my time is 29-30 seconds and when the SW window is just the
    menus at the top and the FM on the left I get level 4 rebuild times of

    So is it all in the graphics card ? I'm using an Nvidia FX 500 - no
    great shakes compared to others.


    jjs, Apr 18, 2005
  4. TOP

    Muggs Guest

    level 1 = 1s

    level 2 = 2s

    level 4 = 17s

    level 5 = 112s

    SolidWorks 2005 sp3.0EV
    Windows XP Pro sp2.0
    AMD 3200+
    2.00 GB of RAM
    Quadro FX1000
    My backup location:

    Conf. corner ON

    Muggs, Apr 18, 2005
  5. TOP

    Muggs Guest

    Sorry That should be AMD Athlon 64 3400+

    Don't want to give anybody a heart attack.

    Muggs, Apr 18, 2005
  6. I just ran it again with the screen resolution changed to 1920 x 1200. All
    numbers the same except that the 5 layer went from 102 to 107. The SW
    window has been full screen maximized on all the tests.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 18, 2005
  7. TOP

    MM Guest

    To All,

    level 1
    Time = 1s
    Disp = 0

    level 2
    Time = 1s
    Disp = 0

    level 3
    Time = 4s
    Disp = 0

    level 4
    Time = 17s
    Disp = 0

    level 5
    Time = 109s
    Disp = 0

    Dual Opteron 246
    MSI K8T master FAR
    2Gb Ram
    PNY 980XGL
    Win2000, SP4

    MM, Apr 18, 2005
  8. TOP

    TOP Guest

    That is interesting because the timing routines are either side of the
    call that makes the fractal. On a part of this nature the number of
    triangles shouldn't change much with size. And most of the
    construction work goes on off screen. Guess we'll have to settle on a
    window size.
    TOP, Apr 18, 2005
  9. So then how do you reconcile what I found? Maybe my change in resolution
    wasn't great enough to really see a difference?

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 18, 2005
  10. TOP

    MM Guest


    That's with SW2005 SP2. Full screen, 1280 x 1024, performance slider all the
    way up, shaded no edges, Norton AV disabled.

    MM, Apr 18, 2005
  11. TOP

    Art Woodbury Guest


    It quits on the line:

    Part.SetUserPreferenceIntegerValue swUnitsLinear, swINCHES

    I'm using SW 2005 SP1.1

    By opening a dummy part first, I got it to run with the following results:

    Level Time Disp. time
    3 7 1
    4 30 1
    5 158 1

    System specs:

    Mobo: MSI K8N Neo 2 Platinum
    CPU: Athlon 64 3500+
    Video: Quadro FX-1100
    Ram: 1 Gb PC3200
    OS: Win 2K SP4
    HD: 2x WD Raptor 74Gb SATA, in striped array
    SWX: 2005 SP1.1
    Art Woodbury, Apr 18, 2005
  12. TOP

    TOP Guest

    I compiled the results. It doesn't look like the graphics card has a
    lot of influence on this benchmark although apparently screen size
    does. There is a possibility that SP3 will be faster than SP2 judging
    from Muggs results.

    Wayne's P4 won top honors so far by a nose over Mark's Opteron.

    Dale needs to tell us what his graphics card is. Mark and Dale need to
    tell us what SP they are on unless I missed something.
    TOP, Apr 18, 2005
  13. I thought maybe the performance slider might be an issue as I had mine set
    clear to the right because of the big car bodies I am currently using. So I
    slid it all the way to the left. The only difference is that my level 5 run
    went from 102 to 103. Hmmm.

    So, the big question is what's better about my setup than everyone else's?
    I know I don't have the hottest hardware as the Opterons run faster and
    everyday usage suggests that they would outdo my P4. I have the 3Gb switch
    on, 2 Gb RAM, SCSI drive, etc. The one unique thing I have seen is the
    FireGL video card. Anyone else have one that can run the test?

    So, I guess if the prize lands here today, I'll take it. But I'm too big of
    a geek to not want to know why, so we can put it in a can and sell it!

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 18, 2005
  14. How about if I swap settings with someone and we run again. That way if we
    see some major difference, maybe we can find it.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 18, 2005
  15. TOP

    Gary Knutson Guest

    If this will run on 2001+ could someone post it somwhere else (that I
    can get to).

    Gary Knutson, Apr 19, 2005
  16. Paul,

    You guys aren't gonna believe this, but I just ran this test on my home
    machine (which is IDENTICAL to my work machine).

    Dual Opteron 246
    MSI K8T master FAR
    2Gb Ram
    PNY 980XGL
    Win2000, SP4
    SW2005 SP2

    I consistently get a level five of 87s !!!! I'll post a screen shot on the
    SW forum if ya don't believe me.

    What's up wid dat Paul ? I would think they'd be pretty close

    Mark Mossberg, Apr 19, 2005
  17. Make that 90s, after restarting SW I lost 3 seconds

    Mark Mossberg, Apr 19, 2005
  18. TOP

    TOP Guest


    You must have deep pockets to have a dual Opteron at home. How does the
    number of tasks in the task manager compare?

    The whole point of benchmarking is to find discrepancies like this and
    then explain why. It isn't as easy to write these things as I thought

    I tweaked the STAR benchmark and posted it in the same thread on the
    forum. The new one is STAR_1.1 and will run faster, but it also reports
    times to two decimal places.
    TOP, Apr 19, 2005
  19. TOP

    jjs Guest

    Star 1.0
    Shaded but no HLR

    Level 4 was 55s approx with HL and no HLR give or take a few seconds
    with SW screen maximized to a 15" LCD screen.

    - However I have now disabled my second monitor ( running dual screen
    on a FX500)

    Time is now 34 secs !! shaving off 20 secs - In this race I can't
    bare being lapped !!

    I seems we have to have some consistancy with the window size inwhich
    SW operates.

    Maybe I ought to buy a cheap second card to run my second screen which
    I only use for Emails and secondary programmes.

    I'll download star 1.1 and try later today.


    jjs, Apr 19, 2005
  20. TOP

    TOP Guest


    Are you using the same part.slddot file for both? I found that this can
    make a difference.
    TOP, Apr 19, 2005
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