Standards for Grid Line Text.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Wicker Man, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. Wicker Man

    Wicker Man Guest

    I was wondering is there any standard for grid line text (Grid Bubbles) when placing grid lines do numbers go on top or text. We get drawings done both ways and no one can seem to agree on one way. I can't seem to find if there is standard for this.

    Wicker Man, Aug 27, 2004
  2. Wicker Man

    Chip Harper Guest

    Our standard is 1. match our client, 2. letters across the top and numbers
    down the side.
    Chip Harper, Aug 27, 2004
  3. Wicker Man

    CJA Guest

    I have a book called "Structural Steel Drafting" by David MacLaughlin and he
    says the opposite. He says that normal practice is numbers across the top
    and letters along the side???

    CJA, Aug 27, 2004
  4. Wicker Man

    Jon Kirkham Guest

    Many of the older drawings we have were done that way. But now, our
    standard is also as Chip described. Architect sets the grid idens. (which
    is weird, since its our grid)

    Jon Kirkham, Aug 30, 2004
  5. Wicker Man

    teiarch Guest

    Agree that there seems to be a variety of techiniques on this issue.

    If I may add a couple comments (that usually start arguments).....

    Grid designators should commence from the start point of dimensions for the building or just plain 'ol start point. This is usually the corner of the building that is nearest a designated set of dimensions from a known corner of the property line or another identifiable point (Like the corner of an existing building if an addition) and commence outwards from this point. This sometimes means that numbers and/or letters start at the right-hand or lower right-hand side in a layout and commence to the left and/or up.

    I've experienced some real heartburn from some people for doing this but the logic of having the lowest number/letter nearest the starting corner of the foundation and working outwards helps keep things straight. Builders understand this concepts but many architects and engineers stick to a left to right sequence no matter how confusing it (eventually) becomes.

    Another technique that's seldom practiced is how to add a grid after the initial grid is set up and everyone's working using this grid. Many folks will insist that if a grid line must be added, that every letter/number after the added grid line must be renumbered. On a large project where things change (i.e., someone "forgot" something) renumbering/relettering can be a hassle. To a a grid line without disturning everything else downstream, determine the approximate spacing from the previous grid to the one added and assign a decimal to the number or letter. If a grid line is added half-way between grid A and B, the new grid line assigned the designation A.5; dot rather than dash to save space in the bubble. This eliminates the unrewarding task of renumbering grid lines.
    teiarch, Aug 30, 2004
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