I wouldn't presume to tell you what is "best" for you. I don't know you. All I'm saying is that if you feel you have other options, you should seriously consider them and compare the life you will have in them compared to the life of an architect. I've never been one to focus solely on money, but as you get older you do look back and imagine where you could be living, or what you could be driving, etc., if you had applied your abilities in a more lucrative field. Personally, I have no regrets, but you might want to go into this with your eyes open. In Canada for example, the very most financially successful architects (a literal handful) make as much in a year as a run-of-the-mill corporate lawyer, and there are *hundreds* of them. The really good lawyers make *way* more than that. There is very interesting data about income available from the OAA that may *SHOCK* you. As office staff you'll top out at 75K in today's money in about 20-25 years. Lots of other fields pay that in a couple years, and keep climbing. There is a very high risk-to-reward ratio in this business, considering all the time spent in school, job security (giggles), and liability. Don't get sucked into a field because of the common, romantic, and unrealistic notion of what it means to be an architect, only to be one of the many who drop out at some point and have to start all over again. That's all I'm saying.