stacked fractions in attributes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. Can I have stacked fractions inside of displayed values of an

    I am trying to create a block with attributes that I can use as a Bill
    Of Material line. My material descriptions need to show stacked
    fractins but it's been too long since I used ACAD on a daily basis.
, Dec 23, 2004
  2. Certain fonts contain stacked fractions instead of certain punctuation
    Other than that, I'm stumped.
    Michael Bulatovich, Dec 23, 2004

    Pete Guest

    Yeah, I don't believe you can do it either. Certain control codes will work
    in the attribute editor such as %%c and %%d but stacking will not. I tried
    copying and pasting a stacked fraction from the mtext editor into the
    attribute editor and that didn't work either.

    Pete, Dec 24, 2004
  4. In the office where I first learned acad, they had a font that I believe was
    Archstyl.shx (compiled) which had the usual halfs, quarters, and eights in
    nicely stacked fractions, but you had to know behind which key they lurked.
    You gave up curly and square brackets, the pipe, backslash, and other
    to get it though. It also had certain other symbols useful for architectural
    as well.
    Michael Bulatovich, Dec 24, 2004

    Pete Guest

    layer each of meat, gravy, and cheese.
    Then bake at 350° for 45 minutes.
    Serve on hot pasta with romano cheese.

    Southern Fried Small-fry

    Tastes like fried chicken, which works just as well.
    In fact you may want to practice cutting up whole chickens
    for frying before you go for the real thing.
    Whole chicken is much more efficient and inexpensive than buying pieces.

    1 tiny human, cut into pieces
    2 cups flour
    Onion, garlic
    garlic powder
    cayenne pepper
    hot sauce, etc.
    Oil for frying

    Mix milk, eggs, hot sauce in a bowl, add chopped onion and garlic.
    Season the meat liberally, and marinate for several hours.
    Place seasoned flour in a paper or plastic shopping bag,
    drop pieces in a few a time, shake to coat thoroughly,
    then deep fry in hot oil (350°) for about 15 minutes.
    Drain and place on paper towels.

    Miscarriage with Mustard Greens

    Why waste it? Otherwise, and in general, use ham or salt pork to season greens.
    The technique of smothering greens can be used with many vegetables;
    green beans work especially well. Meat is not necessary every day, don?t
    be afraid to alter any dish to vegetarian tastes.

    1 premature baby, born dead
    Large bunch of mustard greens
    2 white onions, 1 cup chopped celery
    Vegetable oil (or hog fat)
    Salt, pepper, garlic, etc.

    Lightly brown onions, celery, garlic and meat in la
    Pete, Dec 25, 2004
  6. consistency, then mix again.
    Form the sausage mixture into patties or stuff into natural casings.

    Stillborn Stew

    By definition, this meat cannot be had altogether fresh,
    but have the lifeless unfortunate available immediately after delivery,
    or use high quality beef or pork roasts (it is cheaper and better to
    cut up a whole roast than to buy stew meat).

    1 stillbirth, de-boned and cubed
    ¼ cup vegetable oil
    2 large onions
    bell pepper
    ½ cup red wine
    3 Irish potatoes
    2 large carrots

    This is a simple classic stew that makes natural gravy,
    thus it does not have to be thickened.
    Brown the meat quickly in very hot oil, remove and set aside.
    Brown the onions, celery, pepper and garlic.
    De-glaze with wine, return meat to the pan and season well.
    Stew on low fire adding small amounts of water and
    seasoning as necessary.
    After at least half an hour, add the carrots and potatoes,
    and simmer till root vegetables break with a fork.
    Cook a fresh pot of long grained white rice.

    Pre-mie Pot Pie

    When working with prematurely delivered newborns (or chicken) use sherry;
    red wine with beef (buy steak or roast, do not pre-boil).

    Pie crust (see index)
    Whole fresh pre-mie; eviscerated, head, hands and feet remov
    Michael Bulatovich, Dec 25, 2004
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