Stacked balloons

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Mar 2, 2004.

  1. SW2004, SP2.1 This is one that one of our guys feels is an issue, although
    we can't repeat it consistently.

    When you put in balloons, you now have the option to pick the attachment
    point and then place the balloon. When you do stacked balloons, the
    proceedure is the same, except you keep going and select more objects. What
    he found he was doing, was when he was zoomed in enough that the initial
    balloon position didn't show, rather than his second click positioning the
    balloon, he was actually selecting the next object. The after a few times
    of doing that, he would crash.

    I have used stacked balloons many times, but always positioned the first one
    before continuing, I guess mostly out of habit and I have never noticed an
    issue with them. I also tried to repeat his scenario, and only crashed
    once, whereas he crashed several times today until he changed his methods.
    Since I can't repeat this one at will, the best I can do is ask that people
    keep it in mind and see if there is any correllation out there.

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 2, 2004
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    matt Guest

    I can confirm the bit about being zoomed in seems to automatically place
    the balloon, but I did it 3 or 4 times, added a BOM, made some changes,
    edited balloon numbers, etc. and got no crash. You would probably get an
    spr number for the placement of the balloon, but unless someone else can
    duplicate the crash at least semi-repeatably, that's more likely to be a
    local problem.

    I have noticed other problems with stacked balloons, though, in terms of
    inconsistant spacing after changes to balloon contents, changes to balloon
    contents that don't show while you're typing, and odd leader behavior.
    None of it is really a problem, it's just quirky.

    matt, Mar 3, 2004
  3. Wayne Tiffany


    I found this listed in the whats' fixed for SP3.0 Spr list -- I too have not been able to get this locked down to a consistant procedure to reproduce the crash -- but looks like someone else has & solidworks will be fixing it in 3.0

    Spr 198080 Instability after deleting stacked balloon, then saving and closing

    Steve Tietz


    SW2004, SP2.1 This is one that one of our guys feels is an issue, although
    we can't repeat it consistently.

    When you put in balloons, you now have the option to pick the attachment
    point and then place the balloon. When you do stacked balloons, the
    proceedure is the same, except you keep going and select more objects. What
    he found he was doing, was when he was zoomed in enough that the initial
    balloon position didn't show, rather than his second click positioning the
    balloon, he was actually selecting the next object. The after a few times
    of doing that, he would crash.

    I have used stacked balloons many times, but always positioned the first one
    before continuing, I guess mostly out of habit and I have never noticed an
    issue with them. I also tried to repeat his scenario, and only crashed
    once, whereas he crashed several times today until he changed his methods.
    Since I can't repeat this one at will, the best I can do is ask that people
    keep it in mind and see if there is any correllation out there.

    RENDERMAN, Mar 3, 2004
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