SSM & Layer Color

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Terry Scanlon, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. Whelp, I am looking at the features of 2005 before upgrading from 2004. The
    main feature of benefit in 2005 appears to be the Sheet Set Manager. I just
    got finished publishing a 96 sheet project with several subset publishes.
    Ideal for SSM right?

    Well I have one concern regarding the way we work and SSM. I have searched
    the discussion groups and have not found a definative answer.


    When switching between layouts in a drawing in the sheet set for plotting,
    we change the colors of layers. From what I have read, one can change layer
    *visibility* by saving views and linking those views in SSM. Yet, the saved
    views only control layer *visibility* not layer -color-. Is there a way to
    manipulate the layer color between sheets(in same dwg) in SSM?

    Terry S.
    Terry Scanlon, Dec 17, 2004
  2. Thanks Dean,

    Read that yesterday.

    Right now I'm thinking of changing how we work just a bit. The layers who's
    colors need to
    change on different sheets will get new colors (ie instead of cyan...color

    Then I will create new plot styles.

    In PlotstyleA: the layer will plot its normal color
    In PlotsyleB: the layer will plot as an altered color
    Terry Scanlon, Dec 17, 2004
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