Ssget "x" filtering

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gilesp, Jul 30, 2003.

  1. gilesp

    gilesp Guest

    Is there any way to filter for individual co-ordinates using the ssget "x" command?

    I have a routine that I'm trying to get to select (on non-active layouts) entites that fall within a certain co-ordinate window.

    Ssget "w" doesn't work on anything other than the current layout, so I'm forced to use ssget "x" with a filter list(unless there's another way?)

    The filter list currently includes (410 . "layoutname") to specify the layout, but if I wan't to use boolean -4 group codes the co-ordinate filtering gets very vague:

    using (ssget "x" '((-4 . "<") (10 0 0 0))) selects any entity that has only x co-ordinates less than 0 0 0, i.e. when applying relational test to co-ordinates, true is returned if the first of the co-ordinates meet the condition.

    I'm looking for a method to return true only if all co-ordinates meet the condition, is this possible with filter lists? if not is there another way I can achieve this?

    gilesp, Jul 30, 2003
  2. gilesp

    gilesp Guest


    Just re-read the user-documentation (for the 20th time) and found this bit:

    "...For point groups, the X, Y, and Z tests can be combined into a single string, with each operator separated by commas (for example, ">,>,*"). If an operator is omitted from the string (for example, "=,<>" leaves out the Z test), then the "anything goes" operator, "*", is assumed.... "

    gilesp, Jul 30, 2003
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