SR# :1-678351771

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pfarnham, Nov 16, 2007.

  1. pfarnham

    pfarnham Guest

    Please Solidworks, sort this out , it has been ongoing since june
    2007, thought it was sorted in 2008, but it is not.

    Thank you :)
    pfarnham, Nov 16, 2007
  2. pfarnham

    pfarnham Guest

    Original reference SPR 385562
    pfarnham, Nov 16, 2007
  3. pfarnham

    kenneth Guest

    the gripe won't due much in here.
    try your var, that's what you pay them for, remember.
    kenneth, Nov 16, 2007
  4. pfarnham

    Pete Guest

    Tried and is still ongoing!

    At the end of the day, my Var passed on to Solidworks, so now the onus is on

    This is a major error that needs to be sorted out.

    In normal use this might not cause a problem, but if a pdm system is in
    place, this is devastating!!

    Put it this way, if the competition got to hear of this, they would have a
    field day.

    Maybe this is what Solidworks needs to get their arse into gear.

    I can see a lot of lost sales, due to this stupid, but very big problem.

    I certainly would not recommend buying Solidworks, if the propective
    customer, is thinking of using a pdm system with Solidworks.
    Pete, Nov 17, 2007
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