Sq inch to SQ Foot ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Matt Trucks, Mar 22, 2005.

  1. Matt Trucks

    Matt Trucks Guest

    Is there a way to switch this in LWPOLYlINE list view?
    Basically i am trying to get it to list area 0.7281 square ft. first then
    (104.85 square in.) instead of the example shown below.

    LWPOLYLINE Layer: "0-XREF"
    Space: Model space
    Handle = 2294D
    Constant width 0'-0"
    area 104.85 square in. (0.7281 square ft.)
    perimeter 3'-7 7/8"

    at point X=-4'-9 15/16" Y=-3'-11 1/2" Z= 0'-0"
    at point X=-3'-7 1/16" Y=-3'-11 1/2" Z= 0'-0"
    at point X=-3'-7 1/16" Y=-4'-6 9/16" Z= 0'-0"
    at point X=-4'-9 15/16" Y=-4'-6 9/16" Z= 0'-0"


    Matthew Trucks

    Cad Management/Designer

    SSP Architectural Group
    Matt Trucks, Mar 22, 2005
  2. I don't think that is possible....
    Luis Esquivel, Mar 22, 2005
  3. Matt Trucks

    hmsilva Guest

    If you nead to convert sq inch in sq foot

    how do you do it?

    hmsilva, Mar 22, 2005
  4. Matt Trucks

    ECCAD Guest

    (defun inches_to_sq_feet ( inches )
    (setq sq_ft (/ 144.0 inches))
    (prompt "\n ")
    (prompt (strcat "\nSquare Feet = " (rtos sq_ft)))
    ); function
    (defun C:I2F ()
    (setq inchs (getreal "\nEnter Number of Inches [real number]:"))
    (inches_to_sq_feet inchs)
    ); function

    Save above as i2f.lsp
    (load "i2f")
    At command prompt, type in:

    ECCAD, Mar 22, 2005
  5. Matt Trucks

    Matt Trucks Guest

    NICE!! damn i wish i knew how to write auto lisp routines like you! Thanks
    Matt Trucks, Mar 22, 2005
  6. Matt Trucks

    Josh Guest

    (cvunit 144.0 "sq in" "sq ft") returns 1.0

    look up cvunit for more info

    here are a couple of menu entries I have in a pulldown for convenience:
    [Last Area SF to SY]^C^C^P(strcat "Last AREA: " (rtos(getvar"area")) "
    equals " ((rtos (/ (getvar"area") 9.0)) " SY") ^P
    [Last Area SF to Acres]^C^C^P(strcat "Last AREA: " (rtos(getvar"area")) "
    equals " (rtos (CVUNIT (getvar"area") "SQ FT" "ACRES")) " Acres") ^P

    So after getting the area of an object(s) I can just select whatever from
    the menu for an easy conversion.
    Josh, Mar 22, 2005
  7. Matt Trucks

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Look at this thread for TAGAREA.LSP
    OLD-CADaver, Mar 22, 2005
  8. Matt Trucks

    ECCAD Guest

    Thanks Matt.
    You may also want check into the cvunit command
    as Josh suggested. That is another way...
    ECCAD, Mar 22, 2005
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