Sporkman - RTP User Group?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Richard Doyle, Nov 3, 2003.

  1. Mark,
    The RTPSUG Yahoo site has been shut down and I don't have any information on
    the user group. Any ideas?

    Richard Doyle, Nov 3, 2003
  2. Richard Doyle

    Sporkman Guest

    Hmmm . . . beats me, Richard, but I can check around with some folks.
    Although I helped start that group I left it not long thereafter because
    another group started up much closer to me (half hour instead of two and
    a half hours), so I can't say I really know what's going on with it.
    I'll email a couple of people and see what they know.

    Sporkman, Nov 3, 2003
  3. Richard Doyle

    Sporkman Guest

    Richard, according to the newsletter my VAR puts out (TriMech,
    newsletter authored by Pete Gimbel, whose name you probably recognize)
    there IS actually a North Carolina "Reseach Triangle Park SolidWorks
    User Group" (RTPSWUG) meeting tonight (November 5) in the
    Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area. I hesitate to post the contact email
    address for that group here because of 'spam' concerns, but I have
    emailed it to you directly. I haven't tried that avenue (contact with
    that email address), but it looks like the group is still alive,
    although I don't know what happened to the Web site.

    Best regards and wishes to you,
    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    Sporkman, Nov 5, 2003
  4. Richard Doyle

    Sporkman Guest

    Richard, my direct email to you bounced. Please contact me directly.
    Remove/replace the capitalized MUNGE info as necessary (it works).

    Best regards,
    Sporkman, Nov 5, 2003
  5. Mark,
    I got an email from Todd and all is well. Thank you very much for your help.

    Richard Doyle, Nov 5, 2003
  6. Richard Doyle

    Sporkman Guest

    Well you're doing better than I am. Can't get Todd to answer my last
    email (in which I told him you were concerned about the RTPSWUG, among
    several other things). He's probably mad at me for getting my last,
    past (crappy) employer to contract him part time with overage ... and
    then that employer stiffed him (the creep is out of money now -- or so
    he says). Guess I can't blame Todd for being miffed, but Geez Louise ya
    know I don't have a crystal ball (wish I did). I got lucky and quit the
    guy (told him off, actually, for the first time in my career) before he
    went belly up, so I got paid for MY time.

    Sporkman, Nov 5, 2003
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