I am looking for a spoon sample or a suggestion how to do it. Thanks, Alex
http://www.scottjbaugh.com http://www.zxys.com/swparts/ http://mikejwilson.com http://www.cpuandsimplepdm.com/PublicSWAPICode.htm http://www.bxhdesigns.com/ Check out the links of each of these sites there are alot of SW users that have popsted a lot og how do I...? Regards, Scott Baugh
well, no ...but there is a cup and saucer ..maybe the dish ran away with the spoon... maybe we should broaden the search to include the dish in the hope of finding the spoon sooner? hope no one falls on the knife while trying.. : )
Matt Lombard has a very good spoon on his site. http://www.frontiernet.net/~mlombard/ http://www.frontiernet.net/~mlombard/downloadparts.html ...
....well I admit I have been listening to some late night radio recently....something someone here put me onto....I hadn't seen it as a problem until now...
Thanks, Paul. Just for reference, this part was made in SW probably 6 years ago, so the technique used is probably not the same technique I'd use if I had it to do over again. I've learned a few things, and the software is more powerful than it was then.