Split part reminder, regarding show/hide bodies (SWx 2006)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ed1701, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. ed1701

    ed1701 Guest

    While waiting for a part to rebuild, I thought I would throw out this
    'heads up'
    I rolled back before a 'split feature' on a multibody part to add some
    features into the tree. When I was done, I rolled forward, and the
    whole tree erupted in blood.

    I got concerned for about a second, especially after I supressed the
    new features and the tree was still dripping in gore - that should not
    be possible.

    Then I remembered that 'split feature' (used later for a shell
    workaround, NOT for saving out parts - god knows I won't risk that!) is
    sensitive to the show/hide state of the bodies it splits.

    When I rolled back to add features, I hid some of the solid bodies so I
    could see what I was doing. I didn't think to show them again before
    rolling forward. So the split feature did not have anything to work on
    (since it can only work on visible items), it failed, and everything
    else below it failed.

    Just a heads up - split feature is useful for taking one body and
    making it into two, but it has the odd (and I think, singular)
    limitation that all bodies it works on have to be 'shown' whenever that
    split feature rebuilds or it doesn't know what to work on. This is in
    effect for every rebuild - ugh.

    Thought I would share - a second's revelation saved me an hour or two
    of dead-ends, and maybe it will do the same for you.


    BTW - the shell workaround:
    I do the classic shell diagnosis of cutting away parts of the model
    until the shell works -whats left is good, what is cut away is your
    problem area. Sometimes, I find that if I flip side to cut on the
    diagnostic cut, the other side shells too. SWx can shell each portion
    individually, it just can't handle the whole. So I use my cut line
    (using split part) to split that part into two bodies that CAN shell,
    then combine-ADD them back into a single, shelled body. Its realy
    bizarre, but it works.
    ed1701, Nov 30, 2006
  2. yeah, Ive noticed that and it's REALLY annoying. Why they dont have the
    'feature scope' check box, like EVERY OTHER MULTIBODY command I dont know -
    legacy I suppose.
    Lee Bazalgette - factorydesign, Nov 30, 2006
  3. ed1701

    mbiasotti Guest

    BTW, the show/hide problem has been fixed for 2007

    mbiasotti, Nov 30, 2006
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