split part absolute nightmare

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Lee Bazalgette, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. HI everyone,

    I've has a nightmare with the split part tool, and would love some help. I
    have apart which is split into four separate parts, which are then put into
    a couple of sub assemblies in another assembly. I have made revisions to the
    parts, and saved new assemblies, ensuring that I update the assembly
    references and everything goes up a revision number.

    I've now had to go back and edit the original part that was split up, and my
    split comand doesn't reference the new revisions of my subsiduary parts, and
    what's even worse is it's got confused with which part should be called
    what. Now my derived parts are all wrong, and if I edit the split command to
    try and re-create the reference I will overwrite my other parts, which have
    many subsequent features - which I would hae to do ALL OVER AGAIN.

    So I'm basically in a right mess as I cant find anyway to get the correct
    reference back without destoying my hours of hard work......

    For future reference, does anyone know how to keep the split-part feature
    updating with the names of the new-references parts if you create new

    Many thanks,

    Lee Bazalgette, Nov 14, 2003
  2. Did you (A) create your other parts DURING the split part command, or did
    you (B) split your part into multiple bodies, insert that entire part into
    the child parts and delete the extra bodies in the child part before going
    on with adding features?

    If you performed option A, I can not help you. I have been preaching that
    split part is a disaster for a long time, and I hope for your sake that I am
    terribly wrong. The first time I tried it the resulting assembly failed
    just like you described, and I refused to use it again precisely because I
    knew I could get into a position like you are currently in.
    I do have an idea for a workaround, but it I need to think about it for a
    while... if no one else steps up, I'll take a crack at it

    If you did option B, all you have to do is edit the delete bodies in the
    child parts and, in my experience, everything will rebuild OK and you will
    be up and running right away.

    Either way, good luck.
    Edward T Eaton, Nov 14, 2003
  3. Lee Bazalgette

    Arlin Guest

    I came to the same conclusion using the A method. Don't remember
    exactly the details, but it had to do with changes and filenames....
    Arlin, Nov 14, 2003
  4. Lee Bazalgette

    matt Guest

    I don't think its as bad as everyone is saying. I think you can get back
    to where you want to be. I've just done a big project using the split
    feature, and yeah, it's a pain in the ass, and kind of quirky, but it
    does work.

    First, did you put the revision level in the file name? If you did, then
    shame on you, you deserve what happened. ;op If not, then I apologize
    for assuming you did something that obvious.

    However it happened, it sounds like the file names for the parts are no
    longer what they were when you assigned them in the Split feature. All
    you've got to do is change the part names back to what the Split Feature
    thinks they should be, close everything down, then reopen the part with
    the split feature in it, then open the split out parts and assemblies.
    If you do that, the base body of the split out parts will update and the
    subsequent features will be applied to the updated base body. In fact, if
    you take an unrelated existing part, and name it what the Split Feature
    is looking for in the same location, SW will put the split out body into
    the unrelated part, and adopt the part as its own.

    Don't do it the other way around. If you change the file name in the
    Split Feature, it will overwrite the parts and you WILL lose all your
    additional features.

    As far as the split parts changing names, well, I think that's unlikely
    (unless you changed the number of bodies coming into the split feature).
    What's more likely is that the way the tag things are set up is very
    confusing, and you very often can't tell which body you are naming until
    after its done. The leaders for the tags usually point to a spot right
    on the boundary of different bodies, which means you have a 50/50 chance
    of naming it the right name.

    Anyway, this is all kind of confusing and convoluted, and I swore a lot
    before I figured out how it works. I tested the method outlined above on
    something simple, and it does work.

    matt, Nov 14, 2003
  5. If you edit the parent part before the split, and any changes cause the
    bodies (solid and surface) leading into the split feature to change, how
    have you found it to react? I have had child parts, without changing their
    file names, mind you, completely lose their link to thair parent part - with
    no error shown!. I have also had child parts that lag one revision behind
    the parent part at all times (still scratching my head over that one). And I
    have not been able to resurrect the link through file name switcheroos
    because none of the file names changed. Any experience/insight there?
    Edward T Eaton, Nov 14, 2003
  6. If I dont put the revision level in the file name, then the part stays as
    the same name and how do I revert back to an earlier version if it doesn't
    all work out? Is there some automatic revision feature in SW that I dont
    know about?
    Lee Bazalgette, Nov 14, 2003
  7. Exactly - you go in and edit the tree above the split part feature, and if
    your not lucky then bang, things go mental, and the derived parts all go to

    Even if you hide a body before the split, this can cause SW to lose it.
    Lee Bazalgette, Nov 14, 2003
  8. Lee Bazalgette

    matt Guest

    Yeah, that's what I meant by "(unless you changed the number of bodies
    coming into the split feature)". I only deal with solids with the Split
    feature because, well, I guess because it uses surfaces to split, but
    won't split a surface out to a separate file.

    What I've done when the number of solid bodies changes is to make the
    change, then wait and see how it will determine a name for that body, and
    which part it assigns the new combination of bodies to. (Don't get me
    going on multibody naming problems) Then if necessary, change the file
    name in the split feature, close everything down, rename the split out
    part to the new name, open the original part, and the split out part will

    Is it beautiful? No.
    I haven't seen that, and wouldn't expect it unless files were moved or
    renamed. Don't know what to tell you there.
    Sometimes a ctrlQ encourages things to synch up. Sometimes I close down
    all the parts except the original, edit the definition of the Split
    feature, green check out of the split feature, then open the parts. I
    think that has cured any non-synched problems I have seen.

    I did a set of bathroom fixtures for a company where the original designs
    came from marketing, and engineering had no clue how to make them, so I
    designed everything (like a double towel bar fixture) as a single part.
    Then as engineering got involved, I started breaking the parts out. I
    had to get creative when some of the parts were reused, like a single
    screw-in finial used in 4 places on the finished product. In those
    situations, I only split out the parts I needed and used assembly
    techniques to place the additional parts where they needed to be.

    There were 7 fixtures in each collection and 6 collections, so probably
    200 piece parts. I wasn't going to draw each part individually and then
    wait for the engineers to say that they wanted these parts combined,
    those parts split, to cast this one differently, etc. Split technique
    was the best way to approach the design.

    The main problem with this came when I had other people start helping me
    to do the details, like mounting holes, setscrew holes, etc. Everyone
    else had a difficult time (or simply refused) working with my split out
    parts. Especially when the engineers changed their minds and wanted
    things assembled differently.

    Also, the customer wanted fully detailed prints, which is where most of
    the project time was wasted. If you like to insert model dimensions,
    split features are not for you.

    Just be aware of the possible downstream problems with getting other
    people to work with your data and making drawings.

    matt, Nov 14, 2003
  9. Lee Bazalgette

    matt Guest

    Yeah, that's a problem. You can't keep doing things the way you're doing
    them, you can see what problem that causes.

    PDMWorks or any other SW integrated pdm app would allow you to return to
    old revisions.

    If you want to do it manually, make folders for parts with different rev
    levels and move the parts to folders. This will be messy too.

    If you need to get access to old rev levels, I definitely recommend a PDM
    application. Renaming files causes problems with assemblies and incontext
    references. Split parts create incontext-type references.

    good luck

    matt, Nov 14, 2003
  10. I'm currently working with a split feature with two child parts. I went
    through several revisions of the parent and several of the children, without
    a problem.
    The split feature was not made in the context of an assembly but all 3 parts
    (parent and childs) are placed in the same assembly, where the childrens
    gets more features. The parent part is not visible because the split feature
    consumes the bodies so it not in the way. I hid it in the BOM.
    Is it because they are not looking in a closed file that they all updates
    correctly? Everything that's referenced in a way or in another is open when
    I work on these parts.

    Marc Gibeault, Nov 14, 2003
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