spline to arcs and lines

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Craig, Oct 18, 2004.

  1. Craig

    Craig Guest

    Hey There -

    Heres a dumb question. Does anyone have a good method for fitting arcs and
    lines to a spline? Im aware that this is probably a manual operation, but Id
    like to know if anyone has any tips. What I really need is an anti-fitspline

    Our electrical guy is using a circuit board design program that doesnt allow
    splines to be imported.

    Craig, Oct 18, 2004
  2. Craig

    MM Guest


    Some CAM programs have this ability, I think Rhino does to. Not SW though.

    If you don't mind my asking, how did you end up "needing" to import an
    object containing splines, into a PCB program ?

    We usually give the electronics guys a simple 2D boundary with hole


    MM, Oct 18, 2004
  3. Craig

    Craig Guest

    Its the board outline. Simple 2D is not currently a luxury.
    Craig, Oct 18, 2004
  4. Craig

    kenneth b Guest

    solution for 2d data, save as r12 dxf/dwg
    kenneth b, Oct 18, 2004
  5. Craig

    MM Guest


    I guess what I'm wondering is why the outline is composed of splines. Is it
    an "offset" of a curvy shape ??

    When we have to form fit a PCB into a highly styled enclosure we usually
    approximate the outline using regular geometry. Our PCB software won't
    accept splines either. Just as important, the CNC routing/profileing
    software used by our PCB house can't deal with them.


    MM, Oct 18, 2004
  6. Craig

    Craig Guest

    Yes it is an offset from a curvy shape. The designer is out of town so I am
    covering his parts...isnt it always the case that thats when stuff always
    hits the fan :)
    Craig, Oct 18, 2004
  7. Craig

    Craig Guest

    So I save it as an DWG V12 and open it up in the new DWGEditor. When I try
    to dimension it the program does not see an arc or circular geometry and
    keeps telling me "An arc or circle is needed here. Please pick again". What
    am I missing? Did I understand your reply correctly...If I save it as dwg
    v12 it will turn the outline into lines and acs, correct?
    Craig, Oct 18, 2004
  8. Craig

    Craig Guest

    Nevermind...Its Monday.

    Craig, Oct 18, 2004
  9. Craig

    kenneth b Guest

    yep. i don't use the dwg editor so i can't comment on how well it works.

    arcs will not be created, you will have many small line segments simulating
    a curve.
    i've shared what i know will work for some cam systems. good luck. :)
    kenneth b, Oct 18, 2004
  10. Craig

    Muggs Guest

    Hello Craig,
    I don't too much about PCB's, But MM is right, that Rhino can convert
    splines to arcs.

    If you need me to that for you, I'd be happy to.

    When sending the file, change "home" to "comcast".

    Muggs, Oct 19, 2004
  11. Craig

    Zander Guest

    Craig, rhino has the command in the edit menu to fit arcs to a spline.
    also mastercam has a similiar command.

    Zander, Oct 20, 2004
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