Thanks to those who participated in my basic poll a few days ago- (special thanks to Ed,John,matt for the nail biting torment they endured in the a/b selection process) Unfortunately I think many people who don't use these features didn't record so its actually hard to tell what the overall percentage might be - however it would seem that there are a surprising number of people who actively use these tools in their work and not the small minority I imagined. Guestimating from the names of the regulars I recognise it could be 1/3 of all users? this would be say 80000 users worldwide...a significant number worth listening to. Also of note is the 75% frustration rating- seems to me SW needs to do some serious thinking about better tools to meet the needs of its customers trying to do serious stuff like turbine blades and industrial design Please hassle your VAR and send enhancement requests in so SW get the message. It probably wont happen unless people actively ask for it. I hope SW scouts have read the response here and taken note. Thanks again neil