spline/surface poll resaults

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Nov 20, 2003.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    Thanks to those who participated in my basic poll a few days ago-
    (special thanks to Ed,John,matt for the nail biting torment they endured in
    the a/b selection process)
    Unfortunately I think many people who don't use these features didn't record
    so its actually hard to tell what the overall percentage might be - however
    it would seem that there are a surprising number of people who actively use
    these tools in their work and not the small minority I imagined.
    Guestimating from the names of the regulars I recognise it could be 1/3 of
    all users?
    this would be say 80000 users worldwide...a significant number worth
    listening to.
    Also of note is the 75% frustration rating- seems to me SW needs to do some
    serious thinking about better tools to meet the needs of its customers
    trying to do serious stuff like turbine blades and industrial design
    Please hassle your VAR and send enhancement requests in so SW get the
    It probably wont happen unless people actively ask for it.
    I hope SW scouts have read the response here and taken note.
    Thanks again
    neil, Nov 20, 2003
  2. I'm quite sure you're right. A lot of folks who don't use splines and
    surfaces probably just ignored the whole thread. Many of those who read it
    probably didn't respond, since they really don't care what happens to
    splines and surfaces.
    I would guess this is too high. I would think that the regulars on the group
    tend to be the power users and the folks who are pushing the software more.
    The guys driving SW in their sleep don't waste time here.
    I agree whole-heartedly here!
    Thank you!

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 25, 2003
  3. neil

    neil Guest

    'The guys driving SW in their sleep don't waste time here.'

    its long been a puzzle to me why ,with many thousands of users ,there are
    really so few who mingle here and take an active interest in SW issues.
    personally I find this NG a terrific place to learn and share and sometimes
    get a laugh...I suppose not everyone is community minded.
    maybe you are right, there are a lot of CAD techs who are just keeping dust
    off chairs... I wouldn't want to employ them...

    the poll had a slightly disappointing response but it is clear people who
    have a handle on the present capabilities want more and I still think we
    should pursue it with SW as a group....
    neil, Nov 26, 2003
  4. neil

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Personally I would say that all my friends call me a "Solid Witness". I like
    and can appreciate the other programs out there. But I definately would say
    that I am a SW CAD junkie. And I know that in some respects I push the
    limits of what the program can do. It is actually kinda fun in finding the
    work around to make it work the way I want, rather than hae the program tell
    em what to do.
    Arthur Y-S, Nov 26, 2003
  5. For a lot of people, I think it is time pressures.
    Me, too!
    I was wrong to make a cheap shot like that. There are four other SW users
    where I work (two using it a lot and two mostly dabbling). They're all
    dedicated, hard working engineers. I'm the only one who follows the news
    I, for one, should spend more time talking to my VAR and less time bitching
    and moaning here!

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 26, 2003
  6. I think I am the only one here that follows, and I think it's because of my
    nature. I want to learn and also am dedicated to helping others. I am
    willing to take/make the time to keep up on it. That doesn't mean I have to
    digest every post, because some of it doesn't apply to us, but I think it's
    good to have at least one person in an organization keep up on the traffic.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 26, 2003
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