Spinning vs Deep Drawn

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JKimmel, Jun 28, 2006.

  1. JKimmel

    JKimmel Guest

    I need to form some aluminum, and would like to know whether it would be
    better to spin it or deep draw it. Can somebody give me suggestions on
    how to choose? Can anybody recommend a company that does small
    quantities of deep drawn parts?

    J Kimmel


    "Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." - When you have
    their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow.
    JKimmel, Jun 28, 2006
  2. JKimmel

    That70sTick Guest

    General Press & Fab (GPF) in Milwaukee (St. Paul Av., I think) does
    deep draw on hydraulic presses.
    That70sTick, Jun 28, 2006
  3. The term "form some aluminum", is a little too broad and general for
    most to give an assessment as to whether to spin or deep draw it. A
    little more information than that is needed.
    If you can provide me with either pictures, or drawings of what you are
    looking for, some approximate dimensions of the parts, the app
    involved, what thickness of aluminum you require, and what
    equipment do you have at your disposaI, for deep drawing, or spinning,
    will try to help you.
    G. De Angelis
    G. De Angelis, Jun 28, 2006
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