spice,spectre differ why

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Ramnath, Dec 2, 2003.

  1. Ramnath

    Ramnath Guest

    I tried the simulation of PMOS for its current characteristics in
    SPICE,spectre using spice Netlist reader and also in cadence format.
    I compared the simulation results of all. Each simulator results
    doesn’t match with one another. Even the spectre results using
    Netlist reader and cadence format.

    Why these differences occur?

    .How to tune the tool to produce desired results?

    How to find what parameter values of pmos devices are taken for


    With regards,
    V G Ramnath

    Remove XXX and YYY to mail.
    Ramnath, Dec 2, 2003
  2. Ramnath

    svenn.are Guest

    which company wrote SPICE? And version?
    What is Netlist reader format?
    What do you mean by cadence format?
    Are you using the same models for both tools? And what model are you
    using? bsim3?
    By using proper model parameters for your transistors, by using proper
    options for the simulator.
    in spectre you can use spectre -h model to find a list of models that
    spectre understand. then you can use spectre -h <model> (example:
    spectre -h bsim3) and it will list documentation on use of that
    particular model.

    In spice3 normally a list of all parameters used are listed in the
    output file, but you don't say what kind of spice simulator you use.
    There are so many out there.
    svenn.are, Dec 4, 2003
  3. Ramnath

    fogh Guest

    How to find what parameter values of pmos devices are taken for
    I don t think this is what he meant with this question. Let me
    reformulate how I understood it.

    If you have a modelfile like this:

    subckt mymosmodelcir (1 2 3 4)
    model themosmodel bsim3v3 type=n tnom=22 version=3.2 tox=2.222n
    instanceofthemodel (1 2 3 4) w=finalwidth
    ends mymosmodelcir

    the question would be, how do you print the numerical value that is
    taken by "w" in the core bsim3v3 model of the FET.
    I would know how to peek in the psf file, but I don t know how to do
    that directly with spectre options.

    a related question: can you ask spectre to print the value of
    "finalwidth" also ?

    an a personal request, too: in a spectre modelfile with a process
    section (but no worst-cases ), how can you have spectre check that all
    model parameters will stay in their valid range when process params are
    at + or - 6*sigma ?
    fogh, Dec 4, 2003
  4. You'd use spectre's "info" analysis. ADE adds several info analyses to the
    outputs, and stores the results in psf format, but you can do things like:

    myInfo info what=models where=logfile

    Do "spectre -h info" for more details.

    If you're getting different results, I can only assume that something is
    different between your models - since it's only a difference in the language
    syntax on the front - the simulator is the same.

    Andrew Beckett, Dec 5, 2003
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